• Meet The Chef Turned Designer Who's Out To Up The Chef Style Game

    Back in the day, the words chef and style didn't belong in the same sentence. Chefs were resigned to plain white chef's jackets and pants with chili pepper patterns. Nowadays, the game has changed and Alex McCrery is doing his part to change it for good. It all started when McCrery, a 16-year kitchen veteran…
  • How Do They Make Marbled Bread?

    Brace yourself for a dense forest of Seinfeld references: it's marble rye time! Whether you brought it as a gift and forgot it in the car, brought it in only to have it disappear, your dad stole it or you're reeling it up the side of your apartment building on a fishing pole, you might…
  • What's The Deal With Food At Car Dealers?

    An article in Nation's Restaurant News caught our attention (via Eatocracy). It seems that some car dealerships across the U.S. are getting into the restaurant business. (Hey, it's a slow news week!) The story's a bit of a stretch: it centers on Frank Kent Motor Co.'s Honda showroom in Ft. Worth, Texas, which opened a…
  • Mixing Food And Sex In The Bedroom

    People are into all kinds of crazy things when it comes to sex. With matters of food and sex, I’m all about letting people do whatever makes them happy as long as it doesn’t interfere with my life in any way. That doesn’t mean I understand it, though. Not to go all Seinfeld here, but…
  • A Visit To The Seinfeld Diner

    What did you do today? Stop right there — there’s a show! That’s a show! For example, I rode the subway but I had to change trains just to get up to Tom’s Restaurant, better known as Monk’s Diner to those who can’t resist watching every Seinfeld episode syndicated every single day. That’s a show.…
  • Gallery: A Food Tribute To Seinfeld Pt II

    After a rousing part one, we continue with our countdown, a candy bar lineup sans Twix, so to speak, with more of life’s minutiae through the eyes of four New York City locals — involving noshes and bites, naturally. So spit out your Mackinaw peach pit, finish your muffin tops, put down your picket signs…
  • Gallery: A Food Tribute To Seinfeld

    From the “big salad” to “These pretzels are making me thirsty,” the most famous television sitcom about “nothing” talked an awful lot about food. That’s something, isn’t it? Fat free yogurt made our protagonists gain weight. Butter provided a slick lubricant, perfect for replacing their shaving cream. A utopian society was embodied in Jerry’s evenly…