• Breakfast Of Campeóns: Make These Egg And Cactus-Paddle Tacos

    Breakfast Of Campeóns: Make These Egg And Cactus-Paddle Tacos

    Cactus paddles: You've seen them at the grocery store and thought, "Hey, cactus paddles." And that's about it, right? Well, this incredibly delicious and decidedly unspiky ingredient, known as nopales in Mexico, where it's eaten in a variety of preparations, is about to revolutionize the way you see breakfast tacos. Crisp, flavorful and succulent, cactus…
  • Nopales Con Huevo Recipe

    Nopales Con Huevo Recipe

    Sometimes you need a little something extra in your breakfast scramble — broccoli and cheddar just won't cut it. Pick up a few fresh, succulent cactus paddles, or nopales, at a Latin grocery and you might just discover your scrambled eggs' new favorite companion. They're juicy and flavorful, reminiscent of green peppers and asparagus. Serve…
  • What Is Agave Nectar?

    What Is Agave Nectar?

    Ever heard of high-fructose agave nectar? That's cause it doesn't exist. Agave nectar broke out on the food trend scene several years ago as a natural alternative to processed sweeteners and it's plenty fructose-ey on its own. Plus, it comes from the same place as our beloved tequila. Here's how agave nectar differs from its…