Summer Can-Do: Here's How To Make Melon Jam
Jarden Home Brands, makers of Ball canning products, recently released a collection of recipes that every home canner needs to know. Whether you're pickling your garden bounty for the winter or canning sauces, jams and other goodies for gifts, pick up a copy of your own and prepare to be inspired.
Cantaloupe as you've never tasted it! Melon jam is a truly spectacular treat commonly seen in France. Serve with floral soft and hard cheeses and water crackers.
Tricks of the Trade: Choose a perfect ripe and juicy orange-fleshed melon for this jam. It will cook down into a rich, deep orange.
Reprinted with permission from The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving
Summer Can-Do: Here's How To Make Melon Jam
Prep Time
Cook Time
(1/2 pint) jars

Total time: 2 hours
- 14 cups 1-inch cantaloupe or other orange-fleshed melon cubes (about 2 large melons)
- 1/4 cup kosher salt
- 4 cups sugar
- 3/4 cup bottled lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon crushed pink peppercorns (optional)
- Toss together melon and salt in a large bowl. Cover and let stand 2 hours. Drain; rinse with cold water. Drain.
- Stir together melon, sugar, and lemon juice in a 6-qt. (6-L) stainless steel or enameled Dutch oven. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer, uncovered, 20 minutes or until melon is soft. Mash melon pieces with a potato masher. Simmer, uncovered, stirring often, about 1 hour to gelling point. (Melons release a lot of water, so cooking time may vary.) Skim foam, if necessary, and, if desired, stir in peppercorns.
- Ladle hot jam into a hot jar, leaving 1⁄4-inch (.5-cm) headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe jar rim. Center lid on jar. Apply band, and adjust to fingertip-tight. Place jar in boiling-water canner. Repeat until all jars are filled.
- Process jars 15 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Turn off heat; remove lid, and let jars stand 5 minutes. Remove jars and cool.