Langoustines With Green Apple Snow Recipe
The ink is nearly dry on Daniel Humm's signature as the new owner of Eleven Madison Park—one of Manhattan's most renowned American Nouveau restaurants and, until now, the crown jewel of restaurateur Danny Meyer's empire. After working six years with general manager Will Guidara and under Meyer's tutelage, Humm has elevated EMP from a struggling brasserie—at odds with its grand Art Deco architecture—to its current status as a three-Michelin-star dining room competing with the likes of Per Se for New York City's most monied and meticulous restaurant fans. Read our interview with Humm.
Langoustines With Green Apple Snow Recipe
Prep Time
Cook Time

Total time: 1 hour, 40 minutes
- 6 cups fresh green apple juice (from about 36 apples)
- 2 teaspoons simple syrup
- 2 teaspoons salt
- Liquid nitrogen (optional)
- 4 cups fish fumet
- 4 cups peeled; cored; and diced Granny Smith apples (about 2)
- 3 cups peeled and diced celery root (about 1/2 pound)
- 1/2 cup cream
- 1/2 cup creme fraiche
- 1/2 cup fresh green apple juice (from 3 to 4 apples)
- 4 teaspoons salt
- 1 teaspoon lime juice
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper
- 4 ounces baby celery (about 4 cups)
- 2 cups Grapeseed oil
- 1/2 cup lime juice
- 1/4 cup Grapeseed oil
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 8 langoustines
- 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon Lime Vinaigrette
- 2 teaspoons salt
- Celery Cream
- Green Apple Snow
- 24 Granny Smith apple disks
- 24 Granny Smith apple batons
- 24 sprigs petite celery
- 24 celery leaves
- 1 teaspoon Celery Oil
- Clarify the apple juice by placing it in the freezer. The sediment will settle to the bottom. Pour the juice into a clean container, leaving the sediment in the original container. Strain the juice through a coffee filter.
- Stir in the Simple Syrup and salt. Refrigerate until ready to freeze with liquid nitrogen. Line a large metal bowl with acetate.
- Fill the bowl halfway with liquid nitrogen and carefully pour the juice into the liquid nitrogen. As it freezes, it will start to become brittle.
- Quickly transfer the frozen juice to a food processor and grind. The finished Green Apple Snow will be powdery. Reserve in the freezer.
- Alternatively, pour the juice into a shallow baking dish and freeze until completely solid. When ready to serve, scrape the frozen juice with a fork to create the Green Apple Snow.
- Combine the Fumet, apples, and celery root in a large pot, cover with a cartouche (lid made of parchment paper), and simmer over low heat until the vegetables are very tender and falling apart, about 30 minutes.
- Transfer to a blender and puree with the cream and crème fraîche. Strain through a fine-mesh chinois and chill over ice. Season with the apple juice, salt, lime juice, and cayenne.
- Whisk together all of the ingredients.
- To open the langoustines, first remove and discard the heads.
- With a pair of sharp scissors, start with the belly side of the langoustine and cut along the edges of the spine to remove the soft shell. With both hands, hold the edges of the spine and gently break the shell.
- Carefully remove the flesh, making sure to keep the red ridges on the flesh. Cut the langoustine in half and remove the veins and trim away the excess. Reserve the excess meat and dice it to make langoustine hachée.
- Lightly dress the whole langoustines with 1 tablespoon Lime Vinaigrette and season with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Season the langoustine hachée with 1/2 teaspoon Lime Vinaigrette.
- Place 2 dressed langoustine halves and a quenelle of the seasoned langoustine hachée in a bowl. Pour 1/2 cup Celery Cream and spoon 2 tablespoons Green Apple Snow into the bowl.
- Arrange 3 apple disks, 3 apple batons, 3 celery sprigs, and 3 celery leaves on top.
- Garnish the bowl with 1/2 teaspoon Celery Oil. Repeat with the remaining ingredients, to serve 8.