Homemade ice cream is always a special treat, but it can also be a time-consuming task. Save yourself the hassle with this delicious and simplified version.
Sure, yellow bananas are convenient the day you buy them, but they very quickly become too ripe to eat. Avoid a squishy, overly brown fate by buying green.
If you've ever forgotten to thaw your Thanksgiving turkey, you might have wondered what to do next. As it turns out, the answer isn't very complicated.
If you think your knives may be getting dull, there's any easy way to find out that doesn't require any fancy tools. All you need is just a simple loaf of bread
The exact moment when you drop ice cubes in your latte matters way more than you think, and doing it wrong can erase the flavors of your favorite java.
While ingredient substitutions can work in baking, there are good reasons why butter (or margarine) should never be replaced by a certain type of product.
There are few kitchen tasks more annoying than peeling boiled eggs, but Gordon Ramsay's easy trick just might save your dinner plans from ending in frustration.
Not only does melted and refrozen ice cream taste unpleasant when you're expecting a creamy and fresh dessert, but it can also present risks to your health.
McDonald's is known for many things, and its creamy, smooth ice cream is one. But just how do they get it so smooth, and why is it called a Vanilla Cone?
There are so many recipes that use zucchini that it often gets neglected as an independent dish. However, if you use this cooking tip, it's great all by itself.
Boxed potato flakes are a fantastic shortcut to have in your pantry, but they can be a bit plain. With the help of dairy, they can be a star side dish.
Ever wonder what else you could use to wrap your hot dog instead of a bun? We're here to tell you about the delicious combination of croissants and hot dogs.
Almond bark and white chocolate look nearly identical. However, there are some key differences that make them each better for certain dishes and recipes.
Back in the day, Greeks would often dilute their wine with water to avoid drinking too much. But not Alexander the Great - here's how he enjoyed his wine.
Babysitting a steak in a pan as well as a pot full of bubbling-hot fries can make steak frites stressful, unless you use this lower-maintenance frying method.
One of the most common ways to make iced espresso is also one of the worst, and correcting it all has to do with how you add ice to a freshly-pulled shot.
To make the most out of your Thanksgiving shopping, going to Costco makes a lot of sense, but for last-minute necessities, is the warehouse open on the day?
Do you end up juggling tasks and frantically running around your kitchen while cooking? Never forget this essential step that gets you on the right track early.