Honey is a versatile ingredient. It's so kitchen friendly you may not know all the ways to incorporate it into your dishes. Here's 11 culinary musts for honey.
Tipping in the U.S. is an essential source of revenue for the many delivery and service workers, and there are some rules of respect to follow when tipping.
Tofu is quite possibly the most iconic meat substitute food in the world. To this day, tofu remains an important source of protein for those who go meatless.
You might notice more of your favorite sodas being sold in taller, slimmer cans. This is both a financial and a marketing strategy and it's likely here to stay.
Breakfast is a relatively new custom in human history, though eggs have been around as long as people have. Here's how eggs came to be the hero of breakfast.
Dunking a large ball of the frozen treat into steaming hot oil seems like it would be an exercise in frustration. Yet the final result can be delicious.
Century eggs, 100-year eggs, 1,000-year eggs, and millennium eggs are all names for the boldly odored, colored, and flavored preserved eggs from China.
Discover how to savor the tropical flavors of papaya like a pro. Elevate your taste buds and enjoy this delicious fruit to the fullest with our handy guide.
Tired of slippery cutting boards? Discover a towel trick from culinary school to keep your cutting board in place for safer and more efficient meal preparation.
The complex, aromatic flavor palettes of Thai food are a reflection of its home country's location at the crossroads of Southeast Asia. So what is "klom klom"?
Avoid the heartbreak of buying ice cream on a hot day only to have it melt by the time you get home from the store -- bring bubble wrap your next grocery trip.
If you're dining out, you might notice that there's no salt and pepper on the table, and no, this is not a mistake. Here's the reason for this omission.
Uncover the napkin etiquette rule for an elegant dining experience at fancy restaurants. Improve your fine dining savoir-faire and impress with proper manners.
A common ingredient in Indian, Indonesian, and Chinese cuisine but enjoyed worldwide, there are hundreds of types of mangoes. Here's how to peel and eat one.
For anyone wondering why their favorite meal always burns when they cook it themselves, you need to know the best high-heat oils to use for a perfect sauté.
If you already love traditional picklebacks, you've got to try out chef José Andrés' twist on the drink, turning into a spicy yet chilled vodka cocktail.
Brown rice syrup is the milder, nuttier sugar alternative you didn't know you needed for everything from baked goods to salad dressings, meat glazes, and more.