When you're feeling parched, you can always drink some water - or, you could eat a baked potato. Here's why spuds are a super option for staying hydrated.
Nothing beats the convenience of an air fryer to make weekday dinners simple. However, if you're using cooking spray, you may be damaging your machine.
There are different tricks to remember when inspecting fruit at the grocery store, like thumping a melon, but how do you pick the tastiest blueberries?
Pinole Blue brings a traditional beverage from a mountainous region of Mexico to American homes, but did this traditional dish sink or swim on Shark Tank?
Disney unrolled a more user-friendly dining reservation system that is easy to understand and use, so you don't have to frantically book 60 days in advance.
If you love baking bread but can never find your thermometer, there are other ways to determine doneness that don't involve any tools other than your senses.
Ina Garten is no stranger to the cosmo, offering recipes that have gone viral, but it's her watermelon cosmo that's going to be the drink of the summer.
Not all European restaurants charge for water loaded with ice as they generally would in America, but expect to pay for a glass in most restaurants if visiting.
Ina Garten is at it again with even more helpful tips and tricks to make simple recipes shine. This time she is sharing how to make amazing blueberry muffins.
We might assume that acidic fruits such as lemons do not traditionally sit well with cheese, but we turned to an expert to educate us on delicious pairings.
The martini has a long and glamorous history. Learn about its ties to icons like James Bond, and explore how it became the classic cocktail we all love today.
If you enjoy tapas but don't speak Spanish, we've got some great words and phrases for you to learn. The staff will definitely appreciate your efforts.
When Sanjiv Patel began his fancy peanut business, Lord Nut Levington, in 2011, he focused on creating interesting peanut flavors. Then he went on "Shark Tank."