Ah, the comfort of enjoying a hot bowl of yummy ramen. Did you know you could add canned ingredients to punch up the flavor and texture of ramen? Let's noodle.
Wine oxidizes as soon as it's exposed to air, changing its taste, smell, and appearance, especially if you're familiar with your wine and know what to look for.
Ina Garten doesn't use fancy chocolate bars in her chocolate chip cookie recipe, instead opting for one of the most beloved chocolate chip brands in America.
You may have thought that the best way to eat a Swedish meatball is all at once, but there actually is a proper method to consuming delicious Swedish meatballs.
Learn the facts of when sugar goes past its prime, how you can keep it fresh for longer, and what to do when you have a bunch of old sugar on your hands.
The mixture of textures in bacon jam, as well as its sweet yet intensely savory taste, makes it a great addition to sauces and gravies, giving them extra body.
Marshmallows don't seem like things that would start to rot. But while there may be some truth to this, marshmallows don't exactly stay fresh indefinitely.
You can easily transform your unsalted butter into the salted variety - just make sure to use fine-grained salt and to be mindful of varying sodium levels.
The best thing you can do when ordering a gin and juice is to know which gins pair well with which juices, and then tell the bartender exactly what you want.
The white foam in pasta water is actually starch, and it helps creates consistently smooth and glossy sauces that will evenly coat every piece of pasta.
Accidentally eating mold might cause you a great deal of concern. Let's take a deeper look into things that can happen if you ingest mold. Food for thought.
No-bake snickerdoodle cookie balls give you a delicate balance of alternative sweeteners and hearty, nutty goodness -- all without ever turning on your oven!
Hard boiled eggs are a super versatile ingredient for many dishes. If you have leftovers, try turning them into elegant tea sandwiches for a snack or party.
Let's take that homemade meatloaf of yours and give it some pizzazz, shall we. These ingredients just might knock your socks off. Did we mention shrimp?
There are many ways to cook hot dogs but boiling them in water is a foolproof method for quick and juicy results. If you want to vary it, try beer or broth.
Scooping avocado flesh out of the peel with a spoon works fine, but a grapefruit knife can do a better job and help you prepare other produce, to boot.