Whether you're prepping for a party or simply know you'll drink iced beverages all night long, here's how long it takes to freeze ice and how to speed it up.
If you're like many of us, you've got a plastic cutting board that has seen better days. To get it sparkling, you really only need what you likely already have.
Bok choy, akin to its cabbage cousins, has layers of leaves that often hide sneaky pockets of sand and dirt. Therefore, it's crucial to clean it properly.
Feeling like you should treat yourself to an affogato? You really should -- but instead of scooping ice cream into a glass, try using a mini pint of ice cream.
There is nothing worse than hitting restaurant after restaurant, looking for a walk-in when you're ravenous. Instead, try to get a last-minute reservation.
If you've tried making barley at home and didn't like the results, it's time to try again. With the right tips and tricks, you can make barley delicious.
For many of us, the day doesn't really begin until we have that first cup of coffee from our French presses. To ensure your coffee tastes yummy, clean it well!
Is there anything quite as satisfying as a good, hefty burrito? In that same vein, is there anything as disappointing as a bad one? Here's how to get the best.
Don't use your teeth! Your easiest option for shattering closed pistachio shells is to use a sturdy kitchen tool you already own, such as a cast iron pan.
Coconut may not always be available at the store, but when they are, they're delicious but can be troublesome to open. That is, unless you follow these steps.
Much of the world uses chopsticks, but how do they grab those small grains of rice? It turns out that eating rice with chopsticks is easier than you think.
Crab meat is coveted the world over, but cleaning crab legs can be so intimidating that people avoid cooking crab altogether. Never fear! It's actually simple.
Let's face it: Food waste stinks. To help do our bit for the planet, all while saving some money, here's how you can turn onion and garlic peels into a spice.
Anyone who has just started dabbling in home canning and jamming may have come across recipes asking for pectin, but what exactly is it and how does it work?
Whether you're preparing carrots for a snack or readying them for a delicious meal, how you clean them, peeled and unpeeled, matters more than you think.