Beat the heat of even the mightiest pepper with Alton Brown's glove trick. The next time you're prepping a batch of salsa, you'll be grateful that you did.
It's Friday night -- time for some spicy wings or hot curry to celebrate! We've all been there. But why is it that water never helps when things get too spicy?
Eggs are a ubiquitous ingredient across all aspects of cooking but some people can't or choose not to eat them. So here's 14 perfect egg substitutions you need.
Yes, it is possible to actually hatch one of Trader Joe's fertile eggs. No, you don't have to worry about accidentally hatching a chicken in your fridge.
When you're feeling parched, you can always drink some water - or, you could eat a baked potato. Here's why spuds are a super option for staying hydrated.
Did you know you can get 20% of your daily hydration from your food? Make the most of it by adding a hydrating lunchtime salad extravaganza to your routine.
The founder of Chapul wanted a food revolution with a focus on sustainability by using farmed insects as protein. Did the Sharks bite, or did they bug out?
We've all heard myths (both cautionary and laudatory) about the effects of coffee on your body. Learn the truth about some of the popular misconceptions here.
Strawberries technically aren't berries or even fruit, but instead an "accessory fruit" or "swollen receptacle tissue." This might sound gross but its true!
Frozen veggies can spruce up any meal in a jiffy, but there are some you may not know how to use. So, here's 11 underrated frozen veggie hacks you should know.
Buying fish frozen is better for the environment, and it can also make meal time a breeze. If you want to cook it from frozen, it's gotta be the right type.
Honey process coffee actually has nothing to do with honey or bees but rather is a hybrid process of coffee bean production that results in a premium brew.
Have you heard the tale that oysters are safer in months with the letter R? While it used to be true that eating them in winter was safer, it's no longer so!
Boiling points vary quite a bit based on atmospheric pressure, which means that altitude plays a role when making anything that requires a rolling pot of water.
Who hasn't heard the wildly popular myth that brushing dirt from mushrooms is the best way to clean them? And yes, it is a myth: You can rinse mushrooms.
A type of pond-floating duckweed, the Asian watermeal plant may bear the world's smallest flower and fruit but it offers up a massive-sized nutritional profile.
We've gone from having basic table salt to a variety of different ones at the grocery. One family off the Atlantic coast is making their salt in a unique way.
Grilling steaks from frozen not only gives the best sear-to-cooked ratio, but it's a great way to keep steaks fresh for longer. This is the optimal thickness.
As spring warms the planet, so too does it bring delicious fresh fruits and vegetables back into our diets - but most produce can't serenade you while it grows.
Salmon is distinctive to most by its bright pink or reddish color. But not all salmon have this natural hue, and there's an odd way fish farmers achieve it.
Maybe you've eaten a slice of pancetta. Pancetta, prosciutto, guanciale, capocollo, the list goes on. So what makes pancetta different from regular old bacon?
Fruits and vegetables are categorized differently based on what part of the plant we are eating. But how we treat certain items while cooking also plays a role.
Some of our favorite foods come from corn: tortillas, popcorn, and elot just to name a few. But did you know that corn is a fruit, a grain, and a vegetable?
Depending on what part of the world you live in, coriander may mean something different, but it's all part of the cilantro plant. Here's what you need to know.