Maybe you've had cold brew at a cafe and want to try making it yourself, but how do you go about it? You don't need a fancy machine -- just a French press.
There are a lot of rumors out there about drinking absinthe, but luckily, when it comes to calories, there is a definitive answer that may surprise you.
We've all heard of Scotch whisky, and many of us know that the country is divided into geographic areas that produce the liquor. But how do these flavors vary?
Muddling mint and other herbs for cocktails may seem simple enough, but there are a few tricks of the trade you should know before shaking up your drink.
Guinness was oftentimes marketed with the slogan of being "good for you," but that's actually true to an extent, especially when compared to other beers.
People in NYC are often eager to demonstrate that they're familiar with the hottest new places. But what about the joints that have been serving for decades?
While wormwood imparts absinthe with its signature green hue and its notorious reputation as a hallucinogen, it also gives the drink its distinctive flavor.
Stovetop roasting allows you to closely monitor the beans as they darken, while oven roasting requires less hands-on time but could result in an uneven roast.
Vanessa De Silva, wine director at Point Seven, has shared her top 5 picks for low sulfite wine ranging from full bodied reds to light and airy bubbly.