When you want to hunker down for the colder months, there's nothing like a mug of hot chocolate. We've got some great hot chocolate gift sets for you! Yum!
For many of us, the day doesn't really begin until we have that first cup of coffee from our French presses. To ensure your coffee tastes yummy, clean it well!
Vahe Keushguerian and Jason Wise sat down with Food Republic to discuss "Cup of Salvation," their documentary on wine's resurgence in Armenia and Iran.
Whether looking for something to cool you down in summer or wanting a sweet after-dinner cocktail in winter, the Sgroppino is the touch of whimsy you need.
There is nothing worse than investing in a quality bottle of whiskey and having it spoil because it wasn't stored properly. Avoid the pain with these steps.
There isn't a better way to start the day than with a fresh cup of coffee from a cafe. But if you hear a milky scream, it's best to turn around immediately.
Yes, the rumors are true: You really can get a totally free tea (or drip coffee!) from Starbucks. You just have to follow a certain set of rules to get one.
Pairing your dinner with a quality beverage isn't limited to alcohols like wine or cocktails. We should also be pairing our non-alcoholic drinks with our food.
If you're going to dine out and want some wine with dinner, it pays to do some research ahead of time for deals or BYOB spots since you could be overpaying.
Despite what you might think, there are certain beverages you should avoid when trying to hydrate. In fact, here's a list of the best and worst for hydrating.
What better way to start your day than with a homemade latte? It turns out that if you add a little touch of hot honey, you may enjoy your coffee more.
No, whiskey doesn't actually burn; however, its effects on the body deceive special receptors in our mouths, sending a burning sensation to our brains.
What kind of wine best accompanies one of Costco's most beloved food court items: the hot dog? Wine expert Jerome Noel recommends a chilled pinot noir.
There are so many types of bottled water, from spring to distilled to purified. But what does the purified label actually mean and what's inside the bottle?
You may have seen it lurking in health food stores, near the supplements, or as an online ad, but just why are people adding mushrooms into their matcha lattes?
While you can continue to store drinks in your expired SodaStream bottles, you shouldn't use them in your machine after they expire - it's a matter of safety.
Are whiskey stones better at chilling your drink than ice - and do they have drawbacks? Here's when you may want to use them and when to leave them alone.
Julia Child is known for making elegant French cuisine accessible to American chefs with her pioneering show, but she knew the benefit of convenience too.
The differences between single malt and blended whiskeys may be subtle, but their differences in flavor can be quite pronounced. Here's what you need to know.
It's no secret that many of us are looking to cut back our alcohol consumption. Our expert has tips on the best way to do so and still enjoy classic cocktails.