Aging liquor underwater is a novel practice that faces legal challenges, but has such a profound effect on alcohol that distillers continue to pursue it.
Filipino rum has become one of the biggest sellers in the world. Here's its history and why its future points towards the spirit getting the spotlight.
If you want to make a homemade margarita look and taste the same as a restaurant, but haven't gotten it right, here's the biggest mistake you might be making.
Amaretto is one of the most popular almond-flavored liqueurs around, but most brands are distilled with an unusual ingredient in place of actual almonds.
Whisky can hail from all different parts of the globe, each with their own production methods and taste. Here's what sets Japanese and American whisky apart.
What's better than a sparkling drink to warm your spirits on a cold holiday night? Why, a sparkling drink that's as adorable as it is delicious, of course!
Google Trends data shows that some U.S. states are way more obsessed with Starbucks' iconic Pumpkin Spice Latte than others, with Hawaii taking the crown.
V8 is a classic and flavorful take on tomato juice, but how can you kick things up a notch? With a few easy tweaks, you can take your drink to the next level.
Tapping the top of a soda can helps push troublesome gas bubbles from the can's sides to the top, where they’re less likely to explode when the can is opened.
We spoke to an expert to find out what can instantly upgrade a homemade margarita, making it taste more expensive than one you'd get at a run-off-the-mill bar.
If you love coffee but are worried about rising costs, Maxwell House has the perfect deal for you in 2024 - a year's supply of K-cup coffee for under $100.
Is there anything worse in the entire world than getting a watery cup of iced tea? Well, maybe, but it still stinks. Ask for no water when next at Starbucks.
As the Sweeney Todd quote goes, times is hard. Fortunately, you can make things a little easier and save some cash with this simple Starbucks ordering hack.
If you want to buy gift baskets featuring a variety of wine, Stella Rosa might have what you're looking for. Let's take a look at several of their offerings.
There's nothing quite as disappointing as ice that melts quickly in your drink, watering it down. Instead, create fantastic chunks of ice with a loaf pan.