Making quesadillas at home can turn into one big mess, but there's an easier way to do it - just use your toaster. Here's how to do it, avoiding any spills.
Plastic or wooden cutting boards reign supreme in popularity, but pro chefs prefer a different material that keeps your expensive knives sharp and undamaged.
If you don't have an apple corer on hand for your next recipe, fret not. A wine opener - more specifically, a winged corkscrew - can be used in its place.
Cornstarch is a workhorse of a thickener and also creates the crispiest coatings, but if you run out, there's a great substitute sitting in your pantry.
Broken or split mayonnaise couldn't be more frustrating when attempting a from-scratch recipe, but reach for some white wine and you can fix the issue ASAP.
There's nothing like hot off the stove mashed potatoes, and that creamy magic is tough to recreate the next day. However, your microwave may be the key.
To give her pomodoro sauce an irreplaceable depth of flavor, Giada de Laurentiis uses a tasty 'scrap' ingredient that is sadly overlooked in the kitchen.
Before you reach for a potato masher or blender to make mashed potatoes, learn which tools can do a more effective job and which ones will create a gummy mess.
If you've never made homemade pizza dough, you really should consider giving it a whirl! To help you, we're highlighting several common mistakes to avoid.
Buying shell-on shrimp is always a better value but it can be intimidating to think about all the work that goes into peeling them - unless you use a fork.
Tomatillos and tomatoes may seem closely related, but before you use them interchangeably, know that they actually have more differences than similarities.
Have overly dry meatloaf? It's common but it can also be remedied by avoiding this last-minute mistake. Here's what not to do the next time you make the dish.
Martha Stewart recommends purchasing live clams whose shells are tightly shut, as when steamed, they will gradually open, revealing their delicious meat.
Cottage cheese doesn't always have the best reputation, and you might be seriously underestimating its potential to elevate some of your favorite dishes.
There are a million ways to make a burger, but if you want a solid standard, your patties should be around a quarter pound in weight before they hit the grill.