To give her pomodoro sauce an irreplaceable depth of flavor, Giada de Laurentiis uses a tasty 'scrap' ingredient that is sadly overlooked in the kitchen.
The best storage method for bananas mimics how they grow: hanging. This prevents bruising from the pressure of other bananas, as well as accelerated ripening.
Before you reach for a potato masher or blender to make mashed potatoes, learn which tools can do a more effective job and which ones will create a gummy mess.
If you've never made homemade pizza dough, you really should consider giving it a whirl! To help you, we're highlighting several common mistakes to avoid.
Rotisserie chicken feels luxurious but won't break the bank. However, deboning it can be a pain. You can make it so much easier with only a plastic bag.
Buying shell-on shrimp is always a better value but it can be intimidating to think about all the work that goes into peeling them - unless you use a fork.
Cleaning your oven is no easy task, especially if you're attempting to do so in between the glass panes of the door. But a trick using duct tape can help.
FIFO seems like a mysterious term, but this food storage mantra used by pro chefs couldn't be easier to understand and follow, saving you money and food waste.
Tomatillos and tomatoes may seem closely related, but before you use them interchangeably, know that they actually have more differences than similarities.
Have overly dry meatloaf? It's common but it can also be remedied by avoiding this last-minute mistake. Here's what not to do the next time you make the dish.
Martha Stewart recommends purchasing live clams whose shells are tightly shut, as when steamed, they will gradually open, revealing their delicious meat.
If you need the quickest cheesecake recipe, a mini version is the way to go, and using vanilla wafers as the crust cuts down on a somewhat time-consuming step.
Cottage cheese doesn't always have the best reputation, and you might be seriously underestimating its potential to elevate some of your favorite dishes.
There are a million ways to make a burger, but if you want a solid standard, your patties should be around a quarter pound in weight before they hit the grill.
If you have leftover meat and are tired of the same old, same old, then it's time to try making rillettes. A type of confit, it's a fab way to preserve meat.