September Grace Mahino

Photo of September Grace Mahino
Manila, Philippines
Ateneo De Manila University
Intersectional Feminism, Arts And Culture, Astrology
  • In 2008, September was part of the pioneer editorial team of one of the first men's fashion and lifestyle magazines in her country.
  • After covering a local ballet company's production in 2017, September attended a ballet class on a whim. Now approaching her sixth year as a student, she's working on consistently landing a clean pirouette so she could finally feel strong enough to go en pointe.
  • September also creates pet portraits and fashion illustrations using ink, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic.


September is a writer and editor based in Manila, Philippines. Her 20-plus years of editorial experience started with a writing gig as an advice columnist for the Philippine Daily Inquirer's teen section. During that time, she spent 11 years serving as managing then executive editor of a men's magazine. Over the course of her career, she has worked in TV production, PR, and publishing. Her byline has appeared in the Philippine Star, Northern Living, Southern Living, F&B Report, and the South China Morning Post.


September has bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary studies from the Ateneo de Manila University, where she was also a merit scholar.
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Stories By September Grace Mahino