Lindsay Pevny

Photo of Lindsay Pevny
Newark, Delaware
Middlesex County College
Kitchen Hacks, Mushrooms, DIY Meals
  • Lindsay, a DIY meal enthusiast and stereotypical millennial, loves making pizza with unexpected ingredients. Her proudest conquest is her pizza risotto.
  • She enjoys creating healthy homemade versions of popular takeout dishes like char sui ribs, sushi, and cheese-crusted quesadillas.
  • She's an advocate of Blenditarianism, a movement to add mushrooms to meat-based dishes for increased nutrition and sustainability.


Lindsay Pevny has over a decade of experience writing for online publications about health, pets, and food. Her articles appear across various outlets, including Popular Mechanics,, and BeChewy. She regularly attends food festivals like the Kennett Square Mushroom Festival and the Big Dill Pickle Party to discover the latest food trends and healthy meal ideas.


Lindsay Pevny graduated from Middlesex County College in 2013 with an associate's degree in business administration.
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Stories By Lindsay Pevny