Lexi Whitehead

Photo of Lexi Whitehead
Oak Park, IL
Miami University
Cooking Competition Shows, Charcuterie Boards, Mashed Potatoes
  • Lexi has lived in six states, including Hawaii. Later, while living in Ohio, she got to review the opening of a restaurant that served Hawaiian food.
  • After being gifted a book of chicken recipes, she made it her goal to try cooking all of them. Her favorite so far has been creamy Tuscan chicken.
  • She vehemently prefers Coke over Pepsi.


As an award-winning writer and editor for her college newspaper, Lexi wrote around 100 articles for the publication. She always wanted to learn and write more about topics she was less familiar with, and she ended up writing for all the sections of the paper at least once, including food, news, entertainment, and more. After graduating from Miami University, Lexi worked as a local reporter in Napoleon, Ohio, where she wrote about everything from community events to business, and she especially enjoyed interviewing restaurant owners. Her favorite event to cover was the county fair, where she got to sample lots of delicious fair food. When she's not writing, Lexi enjoys trying new snacks and expanding her repertoire of recipes.


Lexi received bachelor's degrees in journalism and American studies from Miami University of Ohio, where she also minored in creative writing.
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Stories By Lexi Whitehead