Joey DeGrado

Photo of Joey DeGrado
Boston University
Recipe Development, Culinary History, Kitchen Hacks
  • Joey is the chef-owner of Joey's Table, a catering and delivery business.
  • In 2023, they helped launch DecafLife, the internet's only website devoted entirely to decaf coffee.
  • Like anyone from the Philly area, they have strong opinions on sandwiches.


Joey DeGrado is a writer and chef from Philadelphia. They founded the catering and delivery business Joey's Table amidst the COVID-19 lockdown. They have since served as the head chef of a popular music venue. They have written for websites including DecafLife and Vinepair. When not cooking or writing, they can be found playing in several Philly bands.


Joey has a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in history from Boston University.
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Stories By Joey DeGrado