James Mielke

Photo of James Mielke
Louisville, Kentucky
Belmont University
Food History, Restaurant News, Home Cooking
  • James is a former line cook who can still cook a perfect plate of pasta.
  • A lover of classic cooking techniques and old cookbooks, James has twice contributed to Eaten: The Food History Magazine.
  • If James is cooking, it's likely that he's listening to the Grateful Dead.


James Mielke is a freelance food writer and former cook with extensive experience writing about higher education in the United States. After a college experience in Nashville, where he spent more time playing guitar and cooking than studying, he eventually found himself cooking full-time while freelancing on the side. After COVID hastened the end of his line-cooking-as-grad-school-for-food-writing experience, Mielke pivoted to full-time writing. In addition to Food Republic, James has contributed to publications including Eaten Magazine, The Midwesterner, and Golfweek. The writer currently lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with his spouse and three semi-feral cats.


James has a bachelor's degree in history from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.
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Stories By James Mielke