Jack Rose

Photo of Jack Rose
Auburn University
Barbequing, Food Supply Chain, Restaurant Industry
  • Jack has cooked every recipe in Todd Richards' "Soul" cookbook.
  • He has interviewed culinary experts from around the world.
  • He's learned to make 14 different tamales recipes.


After starting his career as a freelance copywriter, Jack soon began working in the antiques industry. Discovering the stories behind each item gave him a passion for investigation, and he soon began a career in journalism. As a journalist, Jack completed a fellowship led by award-winning journalists and began writing food articles focusing on the diversity and wonder of Atlanta's Buford Highway.


Jack has a bachelor's in marketing from Auburn University.
Food Republic Editorial Policies

Food Republic’s industry-leading coverage is created by qualified and experienced writers, and is reviewed and fact-checked by our editorial team to ensure everything is accurate and timely. Outside experts are also consulted whenever possible to help deliver factual, up-to-date information.

Our mission is to publish knowledgeable, engaging articles to give readers the information they're looking for, whether that is the news of the day or cooking tips, tricks, and trends. We also bring you recipes you can depend on, as well as reviews and recommendations. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our team is constantly reviewing and updating articles as necessary. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Jack Rose