Hayley Sugg

Photo of Hayley Sugg
Pittsburgh, PA
University Of Montevallo, Demuths Cookery School
Fermentation, Vegan Food, Southern Cuisine
  • Hayley has worked in all aspects of food as a recipe developer, cook, and catering manager.
  • She was an assistant for an Irish food forager to learn more about wild edible plants.
  • Her basement resembles a fermentation laboratory, with experiments ranging from kanji and sauerkraut to gallons of mead.


Raised in the Deep South, Hayley's ultimate act of rebellion was to go vegan for 15 years. Now a fan of a more varied diet, she uses her experience on both ends of the spectrum to create plant-based meals with meat as a seasoning. Hayley has been writing since she was a teenager, starting with a food blog and eventually leading to her work being published with Southern Living, Allrecipes, Eating Well, Cooking Light, and MyRecipes. She also spent several years cooking in various Pittsburgh restaurants to learn hands-on techniques, how to super glue cut fingers, and reconnect with the local food systems. She works as a freelance writer and writes for her blog, "Hungry History."


Hayley has a bachelor's in journalism from the University of Montevallo and a cookery certificate from Demuths Cookery School in Bath, England. She is currently pursuing an associate certification from the Academy of Cheese.
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Stories By Hayley Sugg