Hannah Beach

Photo of Hannah Beach
Saginaw Valley State University
Food On "Shark Tank", TikTok Food Hacks, Weird Food
  • While in college, Hannah spent three weeks in Greece, where she ate a lot of gyros, tzatziki, and gelato.
  • She once had a delightful conversation with the president of her university about the donut shop back in her tiny hometown.
  • Though officially an adult, Hannah still regularly enjoys a McDonald's Happy Meal.


From the moment she learned to hold a pencil, Hannah has been writing stories, but it wasn't until 2018 that her writing found a professional outlet. In working at her university's newspaper as a reporter, editor, and finally, editor-in-chief, Hannah grew her skills in every area associated with the publication process. Upon joining Mashed in the fall of 2021, her opportunities reached new heights as she discovered her love for researching food science and the industry's many lawsuits. She hopes to continue traveling the world and trying new foods in every country she visits.


Hannah earned a degree in professional and technical writing, graduating summa cum laude from Saginaw Valley State University in December 2021.
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Stories By Hannah Beach