Dani Zoeller

Photo of Dani Zoeller
Orlando, Florida
Illinois State University, Northern Illinois University
Coffee, Disney Cuisine & Festivals, Food History
  • Dani spent several years working as a Barista at Starbucks and college coffee shops, and she loves making better-than-Starbucks drinks from the comfort of home.
  • Most days of the week, you'll find Dani enjoying cuisine in and around Disney World.
  • An avid researcher, Dani loves discovering the rich history behind her favorite foods.


In elementary school, Dani began her journey to becoming a writer. This path would take her through 11 years of teaching middle schoolers to find their voices before becoming a freelance writer herself. Today, she spends her days playing with food, hopping among Orlando's best restaurants and theme parks, and sharing it all through her writing. In addition to Tasting Table, Dani writes for Study.com and The Orlando Informer.


Dani earned her bachelor's in English from Illinois State University and a master's in English from Northern Illinois University.
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Stories By Dani Zoeller