A Food Writer And An Army Captain Document A Year Apart
When was the last time you saw a cool couples blog? Never, right? Well, forget the wedding-planning Pinterest boards and the staged smooches; this is war. The anonymous authors of Meanwhile in Mafhattanstan are eating their way through "B's" deployment to Afghanistan. His girlfriend, "G," a Manhattan food writer, reminds him what he's missing. Check out a few side-by-side comparisons.
We reached out to B, a captain in the Army, to make sure this isn't some special kind of torture. G's food looks really good, and his...less so.
"We had some friends who thought I would be sad to see so much good food every day when I couldn't eat it, but honestly, doing this project with G has given me so much to look forward to," he says, via email. "I don't have to imagine the deliciousness I'm coming home to. I can see it."
Check out interludes involving homemade Afghan red velvet pancakes (!?), Trailer Park Boys, cargo pockets packed with tiny small-batch condiment bottles, a storage locker full of whole-grain mustard and M4 assault rifle bullets, and one strategically placed Rickroll, then tell that couple with the blog about how they started jogging together to just...stop.