Remember The Tumblr That Mashed Up Album Covers And Tacos? Viva Album Tacos!
Got basic Photoshop skills? Take out the unnecessary stuff, paste in a taco and save this Tumblr! [/caption]
This is an official call to our friends, Chicago-based DJs The Hood Internet, to please revive Album Tacos. Their Tumblr (as is congruous with their style) is a mashup of two great things: album art and, you guessed it, the mighty taco. Dormant since December of 2013 (AHEM!), this page still deserves your attention. As you can see, there's still an area at the top of the page where you can sumb...uh, submit your own album tacos. Maybe, just maybe if we all send our most clever ideas, they'll succumb to the demand and fire it back up. Speaking of tacos for art's sake, here's what you do when you get $500 in Taco Bell Bucks:
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