The Danes Have Invented A Coffee Bag Brewing System. Those Danes!
From text-enabled espresso machines to coffee-making devices resembling something from a chemist's lab, there's no shortage of innovations in dispensing caffeine, and all its miscellaneous gadgetry. And that's fine by us.
The newest concept to hit the market comes from the Danish brand Coffeebrewer Nordic, which created the Grower's Cup Coffeebrewer, a one-shot wonder that actually brews coffee in its bag. Add half a liter of hot water, wait 5-6 minutes and that's it — you've got three cups of French press-style coffee ready to pour. But the ingenuity doesn't end there. In case you're not pouring all the coffee in one go, about half sits below the filter so it won't overbrew and turn bitter while you finish that first cup.
Though it was conceived with the camping outdoorsman in mind, we don't see why the dishwashing-averse wouldn't love the Coffeebrewer too. And at $3.50 a pop (sold here at SportHansa), they're cheaper than those single $4 lattes where you usually get your java fix. See the video above.

1, 2, Brew!