Why Canning Water Might Be The Smartest Move You Haven't Made Yet

Home canners are known for preserving and pickling fruits (jams, jellies, and sauces) and veggies from their gardens. Doomsday preppers take preservation to another level by stockpiling canned meats, grains, and other items that can be stored for a long time. But everyone, including canners and preppers, should can water for emergencies — natural disasters, municipal supply issues, and contamination problems. You might already know how much food you really need to stock up on for a winter storm, but what about canning safe drinking water?

Food Republic spoke to Robin Phelps, a Food Preservation Coach over at Preserving Guide to learn more about canning water. Phelps says, "Canning water is an excellent preparedness strategy with several advantages over simply storing bottled water." These advantages include a longer shelf life, cost-effectiveness, and being eco-friendly, according to Phelps.

Shouldn't purchasing extra bottles of water be sufficient for any emergency? Not really. Phelps says, "While bottled water is convenient, it is susceptible to plastic degradation, supply chain disruptions, and limited shelf life. Canned water provides a reliable, long-term solution." Technically, the bottle begins deteriorating shortly after being sealed by the manufacturer. The shelf life may have been seriously diminished by the time you purchase the bottle. "Properly canned water can last for decades without concerns about plastic breakdown or contamination, making it a reliable emergency supply," affirms Phelps.

Should we simply store water in glass jars?

When it comes to canning water, any old container won't suffice. Phelps says, "Only proper, heat-tempered canning jars with new, undamaged 2-piece lids should be used to ensure a safe seal. Reusing commercial food jars (like pasta sauce jars) can lead to seal failures."

So, can we simply place the water in a clean Mason jar and skip the canning process? Again, the answer is no. Oddly enough, water can spoil. If it's left to sit for months without sterilization, moss and mold can grow. Their development can leave the water with an off taste. Here's a fun fact: for long sea voyages, sailors spiked their water with alcohol to avoid spoilage and that off flavor. 

Attempting to add ingredients to water — like salt, citrus juice, or natural sweeteners — for a hydrating electrolyte solution is also a no-no. Only plain water should be canned, since boiling water will not destroy botulinum bacteria.