The Savory Upgrade Your Chocolate Chip Cookies Need

There are tons of ingredients that you can use to upgrade the classic chocolate chip cookie. Whether you're looking for an add-in to deliver the chewiest chocolate chip cookies, a secret ingredient for the softest ones, or even Joanna Gaines' butter tip for ultra-crispy chocolate chip cookies, the internet is chock full of information. But when we wanted some deeper insight into more unique ingredients to elevate your next cookie batch, we spoke to Audra Fullerton, head recipe developer and baking expert at The Baker Chick, for her input. And the ingredient she suggested might surprise you: tahini.

"Tahini, which comes from sesame seeds, can add a nutty umami flavor to chocolate chip cookies," Fullerton said. "The salty and savory flavor mixed with an otherwise sweet cookie is amazing." But that's not all. According to Fullerton, this thick paste not only impacts the flavor of your cookies but also enhances the texture. "I find adding tahini contributes a little extra crispness to the edges due to the fat content of tahini," Fullerton said. The result? A cookie with a deep, rich flavor that's crispy on the outside while remaining chewy and soft on the inside. So is tahini an undercover superpower when it comes to slightly crispy and totally flavorful chocolate chip cookies? We think it just might be!

How to add tahini to your chocolate chip cookie batter

Now when it comes to actually adding tahini to your chocolate chip cookie recipe, you'll want to include it in the creaming step for best results. "I'd cream tahini into the butter and then add sugar and brown sugar," Fullerton suggested. Depending on your recipe, you can add about ½ cup of tahini per 1 stick of butter.

While there are tons of recipes available online that incorporate tahini already, if you're adding it to your usual recipe, you should be good with simply incorporating the tahini per the butter ratio without having to adjust anything else. For cookies with a protein boost and more healthy fats, tahini can also be used as a butter replacement, swapping the two in a 1-1 ratio. If you aren't a huge fan of tahini but still want to add some unique flavor, any nut butter can be substituted in, including almond butter, peanut butter, or cashew butter. 

Additionally, if you're loving the tahini angle for your chocolate chip cookies, you don't have to limit its use to just these. "You can also swirl tahini into brownie batter, which is delicious," Fullerton said.