The Simple Bottle Hack To Make Delicious And Frothy Dalgona Coffee

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a frothy drink that became an internet sensation, and that was Dalgona coffee. It's a beautifully foamy drink that became known for its smooth texture and picture-perfect layers. This whipped coffee concoction is typically made by rapidly whisking together instant coffee, sugar, and hot water. A common recipe calls for two tablespoons of each, but feel free to adjust the amount to your liking. The usual method involves whisking these ingredients in a bowl until they form a thick, creamy mixture. But there's a simple trick to get that same delightful froth using a common household item, and that hot new bombshell (cue the TikTok audio) is a plastic water bottle.

To make this viral sensation, just add the instant coffee, sugar, and hot water to a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Seal it tightly and shake for at least one minute, or until the ingredients form into a thick, foamy mixture. The shaking technique is sometimes more effective than stirring, as it introduces more air, creating a lighter consistency. The more you shake, the thicker the coffee will become, and this will make the instant coffee taste better. Once you get it to your desired consistency, grab a glass and fill it with milk and ice, then gently pour the whipped coffee from the bottle over the milk.

How Dalgona coffee got its name, where it came from, and creative variations

While the popularization of instant coffee is thanks to the U.S. Army, Dalgona coffee's recent history can be attributed to the Southern Coast of China in Macau, where it was first referred to as hand-beaten coffee. The drink started gaining attention in South Korea after actor Jung Il-woo, during a television appearance in January 2020, compared the taste of the whipped coffee to Dalgona, a type of Korean honeycomb toffee. The candy is a traditional treat made with melted sugar and baking soda, often found as a street food treat. The coffee foam is said to resemble the feel of the candy's light and airy texture, with a mild sweetness. The name of Dalgona coffee stuck, and spread across social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, during a time when many were seeking creative outlets at home. From there, many users shared their creations of this trendy coffee drink.

The classic Dalgona coffee recipe is delicious on its own, but there are many variations to it, too. You can try different flavors of instant coffee, like vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut. Drizzle in some chocolate syrup, cocoa powder, and blended hazelnut for a mocha flavor. Spice it up by adding seasonal ingredients like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves for a warm and comforting variation. For those old enough, add a shot of Kahlua or Baileys Irish Cream to the milk for a delicious libation. You can also use non-dairy alternatives to create different takes on Dalgona coffee.