One Easy Swap Transforms Your Snowball Cocktail Into A Creamsicle Lover's Dream
As the cocktail scene pivots from new age experimentation with smoked Old-Fashioned after smoked Old-Fashioned to the reviving and upgrading of cocktails that previously had their heydays in the 60s and 70s, Food Republic is left wondering after the U.K. stunner, the snowball. There are few ingredients to the snowball — namely, lemonade, lime juice, and the hallmark ingredient, Advocaat. Advocaat is a Dutch egg yolk-based liqueur — essentially their version of eggnog, comparably made with egg yolks, warm spices, and brandy, which is one of the best spirits to use in eggnog. The consistency and flavor of Advocaat are reminiscent of a loose crème brûlée or a classic velvety-smooth eggnog. Traditionally, you'll combine the ingredients in a glass with ice and gently shake or stir to emulsify the drink without the citrus curdling the cream.
We sat down with Claire Marin, owner and head distiller at Catskill Provisions Distillery and makers of Pollinator Spirits, to discuss how to take a classic drink and give it a new life. When asked about a potential substitution for the lemonade in a traditional snowball Marin said, "Orange soda would create a creamsicle-like drink in a cream-based cocktail." Yum! Think of this as a slightly tamer fluffy duck cocktail — sweeter and without the triple sec. The creaminess of the custardy Advocaat paired with the sweetness of the orange soda is reminiscent of the childhood favorite popsicle.
How to get the creamy flavor if you don't have Advocaa
The flavor combination of orange and cream is a timeless one that seems to be enjoying a renaissance of its own, now a popular flavor of alcoholic seltzers, with some heralding the flavors as the summertime equivalent to autumn's pumpkin spice. However, you can still enjoy the drink even if you can't get your hands on a bottle of Advocaat — you just need the right alternative.
To find out the best swap, Food Republic turned to Clare Marin again as she has a couple of substitutes up her sleeve: "Bourbon cream is a nice alternative. Or a creamy oat milk for a dairy free option". Bourbon cream is much easier to source and typically has a better shelf life (12 months compared to Advocaat's six) — plus the oat milk substitution is also great for those seeking a nonalcoholic, nondairy choice. Not only are orange and cream a dynamic duo in their own right, but the addition of toasty baking spices and caramel notes via the bourbon cream will give more depth to the cocktail. These substitutions together create a fun blend of favorite flavors, evocative of standing in the sunshine while it rains — bright and zesty meets cozy and broody.