The Major Ice Cube Tray Mistake You Didn't Realize You Were Making
Storing your ice in ice cube trays may not be as wise as you've always assumed. While ice cube trays seem to be one of the most convenient and trusted ways to store ice, it turns out that there is somewhere even better: Freezer bags. Storing ice in freezer bags instead of ice cube trays is both practical and hygienic. Keeping your ice free from the odors of the freezer and anything else you've got stacked inside all comes down to storage methods. The compact size also means that the freezer bags make life that little bit easier if you're always fighting for more space inside your jam-packed freezer.
Keeping your ice in good condition is a non-negotiable if you regularly reach for ice for your beverages and food or drink prep. If your ice is starting to taste bad (aka acquiring old-freezer taste) it may be time to switch up the routine. The freezer bag trick is helpful in keeping an eye on your ice and preventing it from sitting untouched for weeks on end. No one wants weird-tasting ice to be the culprit in ruining a good homemade cocktail. To stay on the safe side, swap out your ice cube trays for freezer bags as soon as you can. It is also recommended to replace ice cubes every two-three months for optimal freshness.
Other reasons to avoid keeping ice in ice cube trays
In some cases, ice cubes also dissipate in the freezer. The disappearing act can cause frustration if you were betting on that last cube to slip into your drink. Sublimation is what happens when water is made into ice and then transforms straight into a gas. It's usually to blame for disappearing or shrinking ice cubes that really, shouldn't be left uncovered for excessively long periods. Keeping ice stacked in a freezer bag is an easy way to overcome this.
Another helpful way to avoid this is by keeping your ice covered while stored in the freezer. While freezer bags will absolutely get the job done, other airtight containers to consider include ice cube trays with lids. Ensuring that your ice cubes are covered is a must to prevent freezer burn. Freezer burn happens when the food is stored poorly, causing moisture loss which leaves an unsightly brown or gray icy layer on your items in the freezer. Choosing the best type of container is a go-to solution and is also a convenient way to prevent spills while filling up your ice cube tray.