The Case For Cutting Your Sandwiches Diagonally
Ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, tuna fish salad ... No matter what your favorite sandwich is, how you choose to cut it may have an impact on your overall eating experience. This might sound odd to some of us, but the best way to cut a sandwich is actually a hotly-debated topic that people have serious feelings about. According to a 2022 YouGov survey, 39% of responders prefer to cut their sandwiches diagonally, compared to the 20% who opt for two rectangular halves.
There actually some science behind the appeal of a sandwich that has been cut diagonally. Many people believe that a sandwich cut into triangles creates the most appetizing visual. It showcases more of the contents inside the bread, which can be perceived as more appealing to the eye than a sandwich that is cut horizontally. The cut also creates the illusion that there is less crust and more filling, which isn't actually true, but might trick the eye well enough that the crust-averse develop this preference.
One user on Reddit claims that the shape also influences the taste, writing, "I can't explain it, but diagonal tastes better." Other comments echo this sentiment, but some fans also point to the structural advantages of a triangular sandwich.
Diagonally-cut sandwiches may be more structurally sound
From a mathematical point of view, diagonally-cut sandwiches might give you a better filling-to-bread ratio as you eat. When a sandwich is cut into triangle halves, the center is more widely exposed and offers a larger surface area, i.e. access to the "good stuff" in the middle. This lets you take more evenly-distributed bites with equal amounts of ingredients, letting you avoid that dreaded mouthful of all crust with no filling.
An argument can also be made that this method of slicing makes for an easier, mess-free eating experience. A stacked club sandwich or melty Cuban sandwich, for example, can be hard to balance and keep together once you start biting into it. But when the sandwich is cut diagonally, the shape allows for bigger, more even bites and a stronger grip at the corners. Plus, many would say the best grilled cheese sandwich is the kind that can be easily handled and dipped into soups and sauces. The sharp corners of a triangle lends themselves to this more easily, compared to a rectangular shape. At the end of the day, there really is no right or wrong way to cut your 'which — but personal preference may determine if you can fully enjoy a sandwich that has not been sliced to your standards.