Make A Better Grilled Cheese With One Extra Step

The humble grilled cheese is a fan favorite, and for good reason. There's hardly any better comfort food, and it's simple to make. If you want to step up your grilled cheese game, however, try salting your pan before grilling. This extra seasoning will enhance flavors whether you use butter or oil, and sprinkling it directly on your pan will ensure a more even salt distribution.

There's no specific amount of salt required — usually, a pinch is more than enough. Table salt is preferable to varieties with larger crystals because its finer size allows it to melt nicely into the butter or oil, blending the flavors well. That said, don't feel confined to it — take this opportunity to experiment with any of the surprisingly many varieties of salt. Ever tried smoked salt? That'll give your grilled cheese a kick. There's no evidence that salting your pan will crisp up the texture of your bread, per se, but it will up the intensity of the flavor, giving it an added sharpness.

As for the method, sprinkle the salt from a distance. This tip is a game-changer for seasoning proteins, but it applies across the board, as it prevents the salt from clumping together on the pan, ensuring your grilled cheese gets a nice, even coating.

Other ways to enhance grilled cheese

Given the simplicity of grilled cheese, it only needs minor tweaks to achieve heartier differences. There's no reason to stop at just salt when you can also sprinkle herbs and spices into the mix. Reach for some garlic, rosemary, chives, or dill (or any combination thereof!) to make a delectable and easy compound butter for a more flavorful grilled cheese. And while good old-fashioned sandwich bread works perfectly, different breads balance crunchiness and chewiness in ways that lend themselves well to crispy grilled cheeses. If you've been waiting for a sign to finally make that sourdough, this is it.

But really, don't be afraid to take chances. It's grilled cheese — you know it won't end up bad. A brie and apple butter grilled cheese is a sophisticated twist, perfect for a garden tea party. If you're a cheese lover, experiment with new combinations. Mozzarella, cheddar, and Gouda are the go-tos, but Gruyère, Stilton, and provolone are all fancy additions that will elevate your lunch plate. These small changes will go a long way.