The Unexpected Country That Drinks The Most Tea

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the entire world, and this super-versatile drink holds cultural significance in places all around the globe. When it comes to the country that consumes the most tea, you might assume it's China. While China is considered the birthplace of tea and is responsible for about 40% of global tea production (via Times of India), the Asian country does not lead the way in tea consumption. Surprisingly, first place does not go to the United Kingdom, either, which is known for its dreamy afternoon teas with biscuits and scones. According to Consumer Insights data collected by Statista, the country that consumes the most tea is actually Turkey.

Turkey, a nation that bridges the continents of Europe and Asia, placed first in Statista's 2022 to 2023 tea popularity survey, with 87% of residents claiming they enjoy tea on a regular basis. The data showed that Kenya came in second place with 83%, followed by Pakistan with 82%. China, the leader in tea production by a wide margin, actually fell below both Great Britain and the United States on the list. While many countries have uniquely contributed to the global culture of tea drinking, Turkey proudly boasts its own singular beverages, brewing vessels, and traditions.

Tea plays an important part in Turkish culture

For the residents of Turkey, tea is an all day, every day kind of beverage. Hospitality is central to Turkish culture — offering tea to guests is a gesture of friendship. Most of the tea consumed in Turkey is enjoyed at home with breakfast or right before bed, although it is also consumed at various eateries and even at places of work. It is a longtime custom for Turkish brides to gift a guest tea set to their husbands, so the tradition of sharing tea with guests is passed down through generations.

The most popular type of tea consumed in the country is cay, pronounced like "chai," although the flavors and brewing styles are much different than the "chai tea" you might order at a cafe. Cay is a rather potent and slightly bitter black tea drink that is commonly served hot with no added sweeteners, although some may choose to mix in beet sugar or honey. Turkish tea is typically brewed in a two-tiered teapot called a çaydanlık, and is poured into small, thin-necked glasses, which are shaped in order to preserve the tea's flavor and keep the beverage warm for longer. If you ever find yourself eating and drinking in Turkey, be prepared to enjoy a whole lot of delicious tea.