Forget About The Grill, There's A Much Better Way To Cook Hot Dogs

For true hot dog lovers, there's been a bit of debate over whether grilling or griddling is the best way to prepare a frank. The conversation often sparks passionate opinions about which method unlocks the full potential of the hot dog's flavor and texture.

Well, we're here to tell ya: While grilling has long been celebrated for its smoky aroma and charred exterior, griddling is the clear winner in this debate. Griddling ensures even cooking, delightful caramelization, and enhanced juiciness. With precise temperature control and the ability to cook multiple hot dogs simultaneously without the risk of flare-ups or uneven heat, griddling can transform this beloved street food into a gourmet delight.

When it comes to enhancing flavor, griddling allows hot dogs to caramelize in their own juices. As they cook, the heat causes the natural sugars in the meat to undergo the Maillard reaction, which not only enhances browning, but also intensifies flavor. Unlike grilling, where juices can drip away and result in a drier dog, griddling retains that flavorful moisture, allowing it to seep back into the hot dog as it cooks. This process creates a flavorful frank that's crispy on the outside and succulent on the inside.

Griddle-prepared toppings

Griddling also opens up exciting opportunities for creative hot dog toppings and accompaniments. The flat cooking surface allows for consistent heat distribution and ample space to prepare additional ingredients simultaneously. For example, as the hot dogs cook, they can be topped with sauteed onions and peppers right on the griddle, allowing the flavors to naturally mix.

This method also makes it easy to experiment with a variety of sauces, such as spicy aioli, barbecue sauce, or even your favorite type of homemade chili, which can be heated alongside the hot dogs. While sauerkraut remains a staple topping for hot dogs and can also be heated up on the griddle until warm and slightly caramelized, we have a few of our own favorite toppings to consider.

Prepare an easy coleslaw recipe on the side or quickly toss it together on the griddle for a crunchy, creamy contrast to hot dogs. Or, cook a few bacon strips on the griddle until crispy, then place them atop your hot dogs to add a savory, meaty texture.