14 Discontinued Costco Foods We Desperately Miss

Hey you, still thinking of those food court soft pretzels with cinnamon and sugar? Almost texting that hot calzone, even though it's over? Never moving on from the All-American chocolate cake? If the Costco Universe threw a wrench into your re-membership-lationship, we're here to wheel our carts down memory lane (pass the Kirkland Signature tissues) and celebrate all the canceled foods we desperately miss.

Unless you live in one of the three states that don't have a Costco, you know your favorite warehouse-club treats like the back of your hand. And, even though we all might pretend to abide by a shopping list (and swear that the giant plush teddy bear was on it), we're open to a new treasure (see: the viral Costco apocalypse bucket with emergency cheesy mac), along with our staple snacks. We remain fully in denial, however, about any of these beloved items ever being discontinued.

The people of the internet have spoken. And, according to social media, we miss everything from crunchy cinnamon churros to chocolate-dipped ice cream bars, French cheese, barbecue brisket, and turkey burgers. For fans of these dearly-departed items — may they rest in peace while we cry like Snoopy about it — this is one giant Costco asterisk of death.

Costco fans petitioned to bring back the Polish dogs

Julia Child loved a Costco hot dog, but some frankfurter fans went even harder and loyal-er on the Polish dogs at the Costco food court. Unfortunately, the weeniecore effort wasn't enough to keep this kielbasa-style dog on rotation, leading to its unceremonious booting in 2018.

Despite Costco's statement about opening up the menu to healthy items — while also leaving its better-selling hot dog and soda combo in prime position to hit 200 million in sales for 2023— Polish dog fans were crushed. A Change.org petition aimed at bringing back the wiener seems to have stalled at roughly 16,500 signatures, but the nostalgia remains strong with those who remember the Polish dog since the dawn of Costco times in 1983. One user posted on X, "My entire childhood is eating a Polish hot dog after shopping at Costco," with another confessing it's the only reason they ever went to Costco at all. Claiming that low sales of the better-tasting Polish frank was due to a confusing menu, one Redditor offered, "The old sign had both [hot dogs] there but only showed 1 hot dog, and the wording was so weird that you had to really read and think to see there's more than one."

Combo pizza may never return to Costco in America

We promise you're not imagining things — Costco combo pizza disappeared in 2020. While the supreme-style pie is still available in Japan and Korea, that doesn't do much to mend the broken hearts of stateside shoppers. Even more bittersweet, it was loaded with flavor-packed toppings and still cost the same as a regular food court cheese pizza.

A nearly 19,000-signature-strong Change.org petition failed to drum up the buzz needed for a combo comeback. But for anyone dreaming of the perfect bite of pepperoni, sausage, black olive, pepper, mushroom, and onion, Costco eventually offered an olive branch. Like a Sasquatch sighting in the wild, a Honolulu Costco Reddit user posted photo evidence of a Kirkland Signature Take & Bake combo pizza in 2024. But the flurry of excitement quickly flamed out for scorned fans. Not only was the pizza square instead of its original round shape (and still featured a regular crust, not an upgraded thick and chewy Detroit or Sicilian-style dough), it was also $16.99 from the cold deli case compared to the 18-inch cheese or pepperoni pizza for $10 — hot and fresh from the food court. While jet-setters to international Costcos can brag on social media about their rendezvous with combo pies, one Reddit user read the room, posting, "Alright folks, to Japan we move."

Costco heartlessly ditched fresh churros for frozen ones

You know that scene in "Indiana Jones" where he unsuccessfully replaces the golden idol with a lame bag of sand and trips the booby trap? That's how well it went for Costco when it swapped its doughy and crispy food court churros in 2024 for a rock-hard version from the freezer section.

Ditched in favor of a big chocolate chip cookie (which is served warm and tastes buttery and chocolate-y, but tell it we're not speaking to it right now!), the late Costco churro previously survived a 2020 cancelation with a twisted reboot of its original straight shape in 2021. Still, it ultimately met its demise. As a small consolation to fans of fried dough with cinnamon and sugar (some of which held an actual wake for the twisted churro), you can sometimes find a bulk supply of Tio Pepe churros (also ¡Hola! Churros) in the Costco freezer aisle. But even though they're from the same manufacturer as the food court churros, reheating frozen ones at home just isn't the same as chomping on a hot one in the store. As one Redditor posted, "The churros have been dead to me since they moved to the twisted ones anyway."

Costco dumped customer-favorite Kirkland chocolate chips

For bakers who like their cookies scratch-made from home, Kirkland Signature semi-sweet chocolate chips were practically unmatched in quality and affordability. But when these morsels got dumped in 2024 — and replaced with Nestlé chocolate chips — fans felt the pinch.

A manager statement that was posted to Reddit described Costco's struggle against the 200% higher cost of cocoa, adding, "This was a decision we put an extreme amount of consideration into... The cost our suppliers were presenting us would no longer make our Kirkland Signature Chocolate Chips a value against national brands." But not everyone made the jump from the red and blue Kirkland bags to the Nestlé branded chips. "This is incredibly disappointing," wrote a Reddit user. "The Kirkland chips are one of the few that are dairy free." Other commenters also claimed they'd gladly pay the difference just to support Kirkland over Nestlé. With Costco teasing that Kirkland chocolate chips could return in a year or so, depending on the market, this is one little morsel we'll be keeping our eye on.

Ice cream bars got bumped from the Costco food court

Sadly, the chocolate-dipped ice cream bar with toasted almonds mysteriously disappeared in 2013. And, over a decade later, devotees of the $1.50 chocolate-nut-crunch-ice-cream-sitch are still bitter about it.

Reportedly kicked off the food court menu due to an uptick in nut and dairy prices, not even Facebook and Change.org petitions could save this sweet treat. "Don't care, double the price, hire dedicated staff and assist with dipping robots," posted one Redditor. "I want my damn dipped ice cream bars with almonds!!!" The selling point was indeed the hand-dipped-ness, which distinguished these bars from the 18-count Kirkland ice cream bars in the freezer section which were basically the same thing (but devastatingly different). Even in 2024, those who knew the bars keep their legacy alive. One Redditor posted about their dad talking about the bar constantly, while another declared, "I wouldn't mind paying somewhere between $5-10 for one. Best ice cream treat I've ever had."

Fans begged Costco to reboot the All-American Chocolate Cake

If you were ever in your death-by-chocolate era, you've sunk a fork into Costco's All-American Chocolate Cake. Unfortunately, perhaps due to a sudden rise in home-baking during the lockdowns (and much less partying and barbecuing together), this mammoth sweet was discontinued in 2020.

A Change.org petition with nearly 9,000 signatures has yet to resuscitate this cocoa fanatic's dream. One Costco employee suggested that the cake got axed due to low profit margin, posting to Reddit, "The All-American chocolate cake takes much more time to make, meaning it cost more money to make. This is the reason the bakery stopped selling as many items." Another staffer also claimed the cake wasn't selling enough to keep on rotation. Refusing to accept reality, we get by with the rebooted Son of All-American Chocolate Cake; the 8-pack Mini All-American Cakes (that look like XXL cupcakes). But despite the popularity of these fudgy, formerly-seasonal confections, somebody on Instagram still commented on a post about them, "Bring back the 7lb chocolate cake!"

Kirkland cinnamon roll protein bars were the best flavor ever

Protein bars run the gamut from sickeningly sweet to flavorless, brick-shaped paperweight — with a select few landing somewhere in between. But, like morning sunshine straight into your eyes, Kirkland Signature cinnamon roll protein bars shined bright. Even so, this particular flavor was lights-out sometime in 2018-ish.

"The cinnamon roll ones are the best thing I have ever put in my mouth," confirmed one Redditor. Kirkland Signature protein bars are still available in cookies and cream, chocolate peanut butter chunk, and chocolate chip cookie dough, but those flavors pale in comparison to the sweet cinnamon star of the bunch. Considered by some to be a Quest bar dupe, fans hyped up the 20 grams of protein, along with lower fat and sugar. One fan of cinnamon roll and peanut butter chunk posted to Amazon, "I think their current flavors... are both boring and gross. So sad that their best flavors are GONE."

We may never taste Kirkland turkey burgers again

The Kirkland Signature lifestyle was once powered by all-natural Kirkland Signature turkey burgers. Well, it was, until the burgers were bumped in 2018 with some other popular Costco items.

A failed Change.org petition excoriated Costco for the turkey burglary (it also demanded that the company simultaneously bring back Trident salmon burgers, which returned and were available as of 2024). Kirkland turkey burgers, however, did not see the same reawakening — and without an official explanation, fans were left wondering whyyy (with so many extra Y's). "I ate them every single day for years," confessed one Redditor. "They were the best! I don't understand... I have so many food allergies and these were safe." Costco quickly stocked its shelves with turkey burger imposters that many claimed were higher in fat, lower in protein, and just... not Kirkland. As one Redditor wrote, "I've not been able to find any substitute that's even close in taste."

Costco cinnamon sugar pretzels were too good for this world

Costco's food court pretzels served as the ultimate vehicle to get sweet cinnamon and sugar into your mouth. It was an enormous treat for just $1, and it was discontinued in the 2010s — swept out with the trash in favor of the churro. And we all know how that went.

Those close to the cinnamon sugar twist have taken to social media over the years to swap stories about the perished pretzel. "It's been years. I hope someone has a picture of the pretzels," wrote one Redditor, vowing to "Contact Costco and see if they have a picture of it." In lieu of a photo, the company seemingly threw a bone to cinnamon-sugar pretzel fans with Dot's Homestyle Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels in 2023. They hit right with customers, but they were crunchy when the food court pretzels had been devastatingly soft and chewy. "Miss those pretzels," posted a sentimental pretzel fan.

Remembering the Costco BBQ Beef Brisket sandwich

Loved by those who faithfully join the queue to get the freshest Costco food court picks, the Costco BBQ beef brisket sandwich came buttoned up in its own cardboard collar and stacked with saucy barbecue beef served over tangy slaw on a chewy bun. It was perfect — and then it was gone before we knew it.

Officially ripped out of our hands by 2020, this popular sando had one reviewer for Business Insider reporting, "The beef brisket sandwich is, by far, the best thing at Costco, period." But at nearly $5, it was also one of the spendiest things at Costco's food court. And, according to one food court employee, it was a pain in the brisket to make. Still, that didn't soften the blow for hard core fans. "I was willing to drive to the further Costco that wasn't quite as nice to get that amazing sandwich," posted one Redditor. "I'm kind of bummed I will never get that $4.99 tummy pleasure again."

Costco food court calzones' hot and toasty arrivederci

With a food court/deli case debut in the 2000s, meaty, cheesy, hot-n-toasty Costco calzones were a whopper of a deal at $6.99. But even this Italian treat wasn't immune to the corporate phase-out, which hit the calzones sometime around 2015 (well, that's when fans noticed).

Food court employee comments on Reddit alluded to the dish being a bit of a money pit in comparison to other, better-selling items. But this seems to strictly be a U.S.-based phenomenon. One shopper snapped a pic of the food court menu in Costco Korea showing a menu featuring the calzone for 5,000 won (about $3.75). But all that did was sprinkle more salt in the wound, inspiring this pleading cry, "I miss Costco deli's calzones!" Another user described their son remembering what he thought was his favorite homemade calzone of his youth, confessing, "I laughed and told him it was from the Costco deli and now we're both bummed that they don't have it anymore."

Costco Kirkland Signature Trek Mix hit the trail

When you crave nut-based protein power with the pleasure of a candy bar, trail mix with chocolate in it wins six ways from Sunday. And Costco's Kirkland Signature Trek Mix nailed the assignment — until it vanished from the warehouse forever.

This sweet-and-salty blend stood out because of its chia seed cinnamon granola clusters, roasted and salted cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, and — of course — chocolate chips. A small ¼-cup serving packed 150 calories, but for serious snackers, the flavor easily crushed other mixes like the now-available Kirkland Signature trail mix with boring peanuts and M-(meh)-M's. One Redditor hoped to get Costco on the horn about bringing back the Trek Mix, commiserating with others, "The Kirkland brand Trek Mix was fantastic... I'm super bummed it's gone." There's always a chance that a long-lost favorite could return following a staggeringly successful email campaign, but just in case — item #853197 may you live forever in our hearts.

No other Costco fromage beats Kirkland French comté cheese

Welcome to Cheese Country, population 2: You and Kirkland Signature French comté cheese. This tragically scrumptious fromage disappeared in September 2018, came back for the last three months of the year, and then seemingly walked out of our lives forever.

A Change.org petition originally revived this much-loved comté, with just 923 supporters. The cheese had been a permanent item at Costco, but after its brief cancellation, it appeared to hit seasonal rotation. One Facebook fan compared it to French comté in France, posting, "It's softer in texture than what I had but the taste is delicious. Perfect with wine." Years after the rise and fall (and sort of rise) of Kirkland Signature French comté, it seems the cheese is nowhere to be found. You can try to fill the void with President aged comté, or the Rivoire-Jacquemin PDO Comté at Costco U.K., but in the back of your mind, you'll always remember the good times with Kirkland Signature.

Costco food court gelato melted our hearts

You can ask to get a Costco food court item remade, but it's much tougher to get a discontinued item reinstated. Still, almost nothing will stop true Costco food court gelato fans from keeping the legacy alive, ever since gelato vanished from stores in the 2010s.

"In the history of Costco deals, NONE of them — and I'll repeat that NONE — of them parallel that of the now deceased Gelato," penned one Redditor. "THREE SCOOPS of Gelato in a Waffle Cone (which was made fresh on site, mind you) for $1.50. It was a ludicriously low price." Available in pistachio, berry, and stracciatella (the one with the little bits of chocolate), it was also super high-quality for the price point. U.S. shoppers, look away — apparently gelato is still available at Costco food courts abroad. One shopper in Iceland casually called the gelato, "Nothing mind-blowing but ... tasty." And somewhere in America, a Costco gelato fan just booked a one-way ticket to Reykjavík.