How To Make Instant Coffee Taste Better

There's no denying that instant coffee is incredibly quick (after all, it's right there in the name) and often more affordable option than brewing it at home or visiting a coffee shop. However, if you find that dehydrated granules of instant coffee can sometimes result in a lackluster or even bitter cup of Joe, help is at hand. Food Republic asked coffee expert Matt Woodburn-Simmonds, of Home Coffee Expert, to share his tips for achieving a delicious result every time.

The ex-barista's advice is simple: "You can make instant coffee taste better by attempting to hide the taste of instant coffee." If bitterness is an issue, try incorporating some fat into the mix. Adding "creamer, butter, oils, whatever takes your fancy will remove the bitter edge from instant coffee and make it more palatable," Woodburn-Simmonds explained.

The fat in dairy improves both the texture and flavor of instant coffee, turning it from a watery drink into something much richer. If you prefer adding oil for an even more velvety quality, just make sure it is properly combined with the milk using a steamer, frother, or blender to avoid the common mistake that ruins olive oil coffee.

If you like your coffee black or without added fat, using cold water can make instant coffee better. Dissolve the granules in a little cold water before adding the hot water for a smoother and less powdery-tasting beverage.

Use sugar or salt to make instant coffee less bitter

Fat is great for softening the harsh bitterness in instant coffee, but there's another option as well. "Adding sugar can balance it out a little better," Matt Woodburn-Simmonds suggested. The ex-barista recommends usyrups or honey or chocolate, or whatever you want." For a quick fix, mix some sugar with a little cold water or milk and coffee granules, then top the paste with hot water to produce a café-style crema.

Syrups offer an easy way to infuse extra flavors into your coffee, such as hazelnut, caramel, or sweet vanilla. Chocolate, meanwhile, can add an instant mocha vibe. Combine hot cocoa mix with instant coffee in a mug, and add a touch of cinnamon to really elevate the flavor. Stir in a small amount of heated milk or water to form a paste, and top it off with the remaining hot liquid. Honey adds an aromatic quality and works especially well in chilled lattes. Dissolve instant coffee and powdered creamer in a little boiling water, stir in honey, cold water, and milk, then serve it over ice.

Alternatively, try adding a pinch of kosher salt to your coffee. While it may sound counterintuitive, salt can also temper bitterness. This unusual approach is Alton Brown's hack for boosting mediocre coffee. Don't add too much, though, as it could make the coffee taste even more bitter and unpleasant. Just a pinch is enough to subtly enhance the flavor.