What Kind Of Cheese Does Costco Put On Its Food Court Pizza?

Possibly the best $9.95 you could ever spend is on an ooey-gooey cheese pizza from Costco's food court. They are huge, tasty, satisfying, and the perfect start or finish to any Costco grocery trip. But have you ever wondered exactly which kinds of cheeses cover that 18-inch round of melty deliciousness? The two main cheeses on this pizza pie happen to be a classic mozzarella and parmesan. Some internet sleuths and self-proclaimed employees assert that the base is actually a blend of mozzarella and provolone – though Business Insider cited a 2011 issue of "Costco Connection" that said the pizzas use 80% mozzarella and 20% parmesan.

The mozzarella is part-skim, which is low-moisture cheese made from lower-fat milk. It does not weep water in the same way those balls of squishy, fresh mozzarella do. Low-moisture mozzarella has a firm texture, salty taste, and excellent meltability, which is why it is a go-to choice for both pizzaiolos and home cooks. While whole milk and part-skim mozzarella are quite similar, the latter may be more likely to create abundant bubbles and dappled browning, which is perfect for that signature cheese pizza look.

As for the other cheese, Costco opts for parmesan (not Parmigiano-Reggiano) – specifically one that has been aged for 10 months. Though the exact brand is not known, the parmesan certainly brings a nutty, sharp, and salty flavor profile to the party, which adds some depth to the mild, milky taste of the mozzarella.

Other Costco food court options

A whole cheese pizza at Costco is covered in a whopping pound and a half of mozzarella and parmesan. This may sound just right for cheese lovers, but what about the carnivores among us? Pepperoni pizzas from the food court are also absolutely loaded. There is a little less cheese on the pie, but that is only because all that pepperoni needs somewhere to go — all 60 slices of it. A pepperoni pie will also only set you back $9.95. Can't choose? You can also get half and half.

If a whole pie is simply too much of a commitment, opt for the $1.99 slices instead. If the math isn't quite mathing, that is because Costco slices its food court pizzas into only six pieces, instead of 12, making them twice as large.

Hungry shoppers who aren't fans of cheese or pepperoni pizza will have to go for Costco's food court hot dogs instead since there are no other topping choices. Unfortunately, the fan-favorite combo pizza that contained pepperoni, sausage, and vegetables is no longer available from the food court. However, there is still a way you can get your hands on it. At some stores, you will find a take-and-bake version in the deli section. Instead, it is in the form of a rectangular, Roman-style pinsa, but at $16.99 each, it is not quite the same as that 10-buck, hot-and-ready, extra cheesy pie.