The Extra Step You Need To Take For The Crispiest Turkey Bacon

There's nothing like a slice of perfectly crispy turkey bacon. Whether you're piling it onto your favorite breakfast sandwich, serving it at Sunday brunch, or crumpling it up to top a baked potato, having just the right crunchiness is key to ensure no one misses the pork. But how do you achieve this? Why, using the old paper towel trick, of course. 

Just like how you always want to have some paper towels around when cooking other meats to blot any moisture away, patting turkey bacon dry is a quick step that you should take when prepping it in order to get optimal — and perfectly crisp — results. Similar to how you would pat fish dry to ensure it comes out crispy, or how you'd dab a chuck roast to give it the best chance at browning, removing the excess moisture from the bacon will ensure that it won't accidentally steam, turning limp and floppy. This way, you can enjoy a more low-fat version of bacon that isn't disappointing in the taste department.

More tips for crispy turkey bacon

While removing excess moisture is one important part of getting a nice crunch, there are a couple more tricks that you can try to get the best results. One is to mind how you cook your bacon. When baking, instead of just laying the slices down on a baking sheet and sliding them into the oven, try putting an oven-safe wire rack on top of the tray and placing your slices on top of that. Similar to how a wire rack can save you from soggy veggies, keeping the bacon lifted an inch or two from the baking tray can promote air circulation and ensure that it isn't sitting in its own grease. 

Also, note that an oven temperature between 375 degrees and 425 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. If you're air frying the bacon instead, keep the temperature a little bit lower than the oven, since it has superior air circulation that lets you get away with 350 degrees Fahrenheit. You'll get a tender-crisp result in just 10 minutes. When microwaving turkey bacon, a good rule of thumb is to allow for about one minute per slice of bacon to ensure a crispy result.

Finally, once your bacon is done cooking, consider letting it drain on crumpled paper towels. Laying paper towels flat on a baking dish is a common mistake many people make when draining food, as crumpling them up again allows for air to circulate around the food better, ensuring that your perfectly crisp bacon stays that way.