How Long Does Ground Beef Last In The Fridge?

Ground beef is definitely a mainstay on many weekly grocery lists. But if you do your shopping on Sundays, can that beef last in the refrigerator until the burger night you have planned for Friday? According to the USDA, the answer is no. Ground beef should only stay in the fridge for one to two days after purchasing it. That guideline differs from whole cuts of beef, which can keep for up to five days.

Ground beef is more perishable because any harmful pathogens that may have been present on the outside of a steak or roast (which would be seared off during cooking) get mixed in throughout the beef during grinding (via USDA). Afterward, the bacteria and viruses have access to much more surface area, which causes spoilage more rapidly. This does not mean that ground beef is inherently unsafe to eat, but rather that it needs to be cooked and eaten when it is still quite fresh (and completely cooked through, at that).

How to store ground beef for maximum freshness

Unless you're 100% sure you'll use it up as soon as you get home, the best place to keep ground beef is in the freezer, and not chucking it straight in there is one of the mistakes everyone makes when storing ground beef. If your lunch and dinner plans are uncertain after grocery shopping, the freezer is definitely the safest bet, so you do not accidentally forget about the package and end up wasting it. Transfer the beef from the package it comes in to a freezer-safe plastic bag, and take care to squish out as much air as possible using your hands, or even press the bag flat with a rolling pin before sealing. Don't forget to label it with the date — it will stay fresh for up to four months.

If you will use the ground beef within a safe time frame, make sure to place the package on a plate or tray so that any leaks are contained. To that end, keeping the ground beef on the bottom shelf is the safest bet, because if there is any spillage, it will not go cascading down through every shelf of your fridge. This is vital to prevent cross-contamination.

Cook ground beef to give it new life

Just because raw ground beef only lasts up to two days does not mean you also have to eat the cooked version within the same time frame. Once cooked, it will last an additional three to four days in the fridge or up to four months in the freezer, according to the USDA. Focus on large-batch meals that can be eaten throughout the following days, then easily stashed in the freezer if there are any leftovers.

Meatballs are a great choice here. Combine the ground meat with seasonings, eggs, and a binder. Breadcrumbs or milk-soaked bread are classic options, but Ree Drummond uses rolled oats instead. Bake them off on a sheet tray in the oven until just barely cooked through, so they don't get dry when reheated. Big pots of chili, pasta sauce, picadillo, sloppy Joe filling, or meatloaf are also great choices.

However, if you are short on time and have ground beef that is reaching the end of its life, just cook it by itself. That way, you buy yourself some time to figure out what recipe you want to use it in, and it can be easily frozen. Believe it or not, a great way to do this is to boil ground beef before storing it in the freezer. It is super efficient and keeps its flavor neutral, which means you can easily add it to any of your favorite casseroles, soups, and stews.