Can You Store Opened Canned Goods In The Fridge?

Canned goods are great either eaten straight from the can or tossed into an easy meal. Sometimes you're left with a can half-full (or half-empty, depending on how you look at it), and you can't put the lid back on. So you wonder if you can just toss it into your fridge or not. The short answer is: Yes ... and no.

People make food storage mistakes all the time, but putting an open can in the fridge is perfectly safe, according to the USDA. However, that still doesn't mean it's the best idea. Although it's safe, it can alter the flavor or texture of your food, making it taste more metallic or tinny. After all, acidity affects the shelf-life of canned goods – but also how the food interacts with its metal container.

In recent years, concerns have risen over BPA in cans. The chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) is used in epoxy resins that coat the inside of cans, which prevents food from directly touching the metal surface of the container, according to the FDA. The tinny taste that occurs when you store cans in the fridge comes from acidity inside the can that can corrode the lining. Removing the leftovers from that original container will help prevent that metallic taste from developing.

Store your leftovers in a resealable container

Treat your leftovers from cans as you would any other leftovers. It might be easy to just throw the can into the fridge, but you wouldn't store leftover roasted chicken without putting it in something first. To retain the best quality and flavor in your canned goods, store any leftovers in a sealable food-safe container. It might mean more dishes to wash, but your tastebuds will thank you. Glass or plastic containers both work great, but make sure they are air-tight so your food stays delicious and safe from cross-contamination. Put them in the fridge to enjoy later — just don't forget about them because your food won't last forever. 

High-acidity foods, like tomatoes, pickles, and fruit, should be eaten within five to seven days, the USDA notes. Low-acidity foods, like soups, meats, and beans, will not last as long after being opened and should be eaten within three to four days. Interestingly, the low-acidity cans last longer unopened than higher-acidity cans do, but inversely, cans with high-acidic contents can last longer in the fridge after being opened.