Croissants Are The Ice Cream Sandwich Base You Didn't Know You Needed

Let's be honest, we all get major FOMO from our friends on Instagram constantly posting about their European vacations. If you're in money-saving-mode, haven't had time to renew that pesky passport, or just haven't quite found a generous, rich friend with a private jet to fund all your lavish daydreams, you can create your own petit taste of Europe with a croissant ice cream sandwich.

Although your at home creations may not be direct from a Parisian patisserie, a crisp, buttery croissant is the perfect combination with sweet, sugary ice cream. The light, airy layers of a croissant help soak up the ice cream so that you have a more stable sandwich, unlike some store bought sandwiches that stick to your fingers and leave you with a dripping, melting mess. These croissant ice cream sandwiches require little to no prep work and can be put together in a matter of minutes, taking your tastebuds straight to France. Many grocery stores sell ready-made packages of croissants, but if you're having trouble finding those you can almost always get pre-made dough that will be ready in the oven in less than 15 minutes.

How to make a croissant ice cream sandwich

The easiest way to make a croissant ice cream sandwich is go to your local grocery store, buy a pack of croissants and your favorite pint of ice cream, cut the croissants in half, scoop the ice cream right in the middle, and voila! Ice cream sandwich complete. You can rinse your ice cream scoop under warm water for a few seconds to get the perfect, smooth scoop for your croissant sandwich.

If you're looking to elevate your food game even more — maybe feel a little more Parisian — there are plenty of ways to take your croissant ice cream sandwich to the next level. First, you could take on the task of making your own croissants, maybe even your own vanilla ice cream! If you're still in your Ninja Creami era, you can make a dupe of your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor using whatever mix-ins you desire — like cookie dough pieces or brownie crumbles — or you can blend up some canned fruit for a refreshing sorbet.

Don't make your Parisian treat until you're ready to eat it though, putting the croissant in the freezer makes the layers too brittle and likely to crack. We recommend using a slightly warm croissant for handling ease and to avoid brain freeze or tooth discomfort from biting into ice cream that's too hard.

How to customize your croissant ice cream sandwich

If you enjoy the sweeter things in life, try making your croissant sandwich a riff on a chocolate-covered strawberry. Add strawberry ice cream to your croissant base, then top it with fresh-cut strawberry pieces, chocolate chips, and drizzle chocolate sauce across the top. Garnish the final product with mint leaves, if you're feeling fancy (totally European). If you're more of a salty-sweet fan, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you. Try a pretzel-inspired croissant with salted caramel ice cream, topped with crumbled pretzel bits and salted caramel drizzle.

Treat your sandwich like a sundae. You can replicate a traditional, American favorite –the banana split — by scooping chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice creams on your croissant and top it with marshmallow, chocolate, and strawberry sauces. Garnish your masterpiece with chopped nuts, sliced banana, whipped cream, and (of course) the cherry on top. The air pockets and layers of a croissant are perfect for catching all kinds of toppings.

If all of that sounds overwhelming, or you just don't have the time, you can build a croissant ice cream sandwich with just 2 ingredients: refreshing fruit sorbet and fresh, chopped herbs. Lemon and basil, raspberry and mint, or mango and verbena are great options to start with. Forget about the FOMO, build the croissant ice cream sandwich of your dreams and imagine you're lounging outside a cute, French cafe with a view of the Eiffel Tower.