For Easy Cake Cutting, Break Out The Dental Floss

Bringing your dental floss into the kitchen might not be as crazy as it sounds. It is actually a nifty tool that gives you precision cuts where you'd least expect them. While it doesn't replace a knife altogether, it will be your go-to when you need that fine cut for a food that is soft and delicate. 

Floss is excellent for cutting soft cakes like cheesecake, layer cake, or birthday cake. It doesn't get stuck in the icing and drag on each piece like a knife would and it's a secret weapon to whip out when you are baking cinnamon rolls or cutting cookie logs. The precise, even cut of the floss keeps the cinnamon filling inside the dough and allows the cookie to stay round instead of having funky edges from an unruly knife cut.

To get a clean cut, start with a long piece of the floss, making sure it is bigger than whatever you are trying to cut. Then, slowly glide the floss through the soft surface. If you are using it to cut cinnamon rolls or cookie dough, slide it underneath the roll, cross it from above to form a loop, and pull in the opposite direction.

The best type of dental floss to use in the kitchen

Like picking out the right knife, there is a right type of floss to use for cutting food. Avoid flavored dental floss like mint or a children's flavor like bubblegum. The flavor can leech on to whatever you are cutting and could leave an unpleasant aftertaste. A basic floss without any flavor will be your best bet to get a clean, straightforward cut. 

When it comes to unwaxed vs. waxed floss, both options will work for slicing and cutting. Waxed floss has a thin layer of wax on the string, making it slightly thicker and a little stronger than unwaxed floss. The wax also gives the floss a bit of lubrication, giving it more of a glide into the cake. If you plan on cutting something more sturdy, like cinnamon rolls dough or cookie dough, waxed floss might be the way to go. Unwaxed floss will work just as well, but might break easier in the process. 

If you are out of dental floss, fishing line will work in a pinch. It has the same thin qualities as dental floss to make the exact cuts without dragging and messing up the food.