Why Topping Ice Cream With Soy Sauce Just Makes Sense

Something a little sweet and a bit salty can make for the ultimate treat. Think of the classic combinations of salted caramel or chocolate-covered pretzels. You can take this dynamic duo one step further by trying soy sauce over vanilla ice cream. These two ingredients may feel like polar opposites, but there is a nuttiness in each bite along with hints of caramel. It's a popular pairing in Japan where you can even find soy sauce-flavored soft serve offered across the country.

To try this power couple, scoop a bowl of vanilla ice cream and pour a very tiny drizzle of soy sauce on top. It's best to start slow and add small increments of the umami-rich condiment instead of accidentally adding too much and ending up with an overly salty dessert. If you still find the concept off-putting, consider mixing the soy sauce with something sweet. Blending it into honey or maple syrup can amp up the sweet and savory factor, along with making it a little less intimidating to pour over ice cream.

You can experiment with topping your ice cream with one of the many varieties of soy sauce. Use a dark variety if you can't get enough saltiness, or opt for a sweet soy sauce for a less intense contrast. And you can also go beyond the basics of vanilla ice cream. Try this soy sauce trick over fruity sorbets or even butter pecan ice cream for a unique treat.

Salty mix-ins for your next ice cream night

If you're a fan of sweet and salty, but not big on the idea of using soy sauce, there are plenty of other options to dress up your dessert. Miso is delicious in peanut butter cookies, so why not ice cream too? The fermented soy paste makes for a great topper, contrasting with the sugary ice cream to bring out notes of caramel and butterscotch. Stick with white miso for a more delicate taste and lighter saltiness, or choose red miso for a stronger flavor that can hold up to bold ice creams like chocolate or espresso.

Not every salty topping for your ice cream needs to be a sauce. For umami flavor and textural contrast, reach for a bag of potato chips. A handful crushed over a bowl of ice cream adds just enough saltiness while the crunch pairs perfectly with the creamy frozen dessert. In the same vein, you can opt for crushed pretzels or get even more decadent with a few of the chocolate-covered varieties.

There is a world of different types of salt available, and many taste delicious when lightly sprinkled atop a bowl of vanilla ice cream. Prioritize flaky salts, as the large size will help prevent you from over-salting the treat (plus the crunchiness is a bonus). If you'd like to take dessert a step further into umami territory, use a pinch of MSG instead to act as the ultimate contrasting flavor.