Why It's Always Worth It To Buy The Salmon At Whole Foods' Salad Bar

The deals you get at the Whole Foods salad bar can be hit or miss — except for the grilled salmon. Your wallet always wins when you purchase this fish from the prepared foods section because it typically costs less than what you'll find a few feet over in the fish department. We've crunched the numbers, and in every case, the salad bar salmon brings on the biggest savings.

In Austin, Texas, the birthplace of Whole Foods, the hot bar and salad bar (and all the tasty salmon you can find within its confines) is currently priced at $11.99 per pound. That same Atlantic Salmon filet costs $12.99 a pound in the same store's seafood case. Alaskan Sockeye Salmon is $19.99 per pound, and King Salmon filets skyrocket to $28.99 each pound. This means you're saving anywhere from $1 to $14 per pound by opting for the salad bar's cuts.

Not only does grilled salmon beat out its fish market counterparts, but it's also more affordable than Wild Planet canned pink salmon, which costs $13.29 for 11.75 ounces. Even the frozen farm-raised seafood value pack costs a hair (a single cent) more at $12.00 per pound (sold in two-pound increments). Unless sales are running, it's hands down the most affordable salmon for sale in Whole Foods. 

Additional perks of grabbing salmon at the salad bar

For the busy home chef or to-go meal aficionado, savings are measured by more than money. The obvious benefit of purchasing grilled salmon over the raw variety is that the cooking has already been done for you — meaning you can avoid common mistakes everyone makes when cooking salmon. The salad bar keeps your options open — eat it right away or store it for later as leftovers.

You can whip up salmon cakes, sprinkle the fish atop a bed of greens, marry pasta with salmon, or chop the filets for quick fish tacos. Salmon is such a versatile protein that it's probably a good idea to grab a few additional portions to repurpose later in the week. And if you're not going to use it in time, you can freeze it for up to three months as long as you wrap it tightly to keep things fresh and free of oxygen.

Worried that low costs may reflect low quality? Shoppers can rest assured that these savings aren't at the expense of Whole Foods' standards. Third-party partners also ensure the company's sustainable fish are grown in low-density tanks to avoid overcrowding or unsanitary living conditions. Whole Foods also prohibits the use of growth hormones, pesticides, or antibiotics in the fish it carries and adheres to Marine Stewardship Council Standard requirements when sourcing wild-caught salmon.

Maximize the flavor and value of those salad bar salmon filets

A word of warning: Now that you've loaded your box with delectable grilled salmon, don't dilute its value by adding a bunch of low-value items. We're talking about traditional sides like potatoes, steamed vegetables that carry a lot of water weight, or low-cost greens like lettuce. You'll likely lose money on these items, so head to the produce section and grab your own to prepare at home.

Instead, opt for high-value add-ons like shaved nuts, pesto, whole-grain mustards, or marinated olives as they have high value and minimal water weight. For example, Frescatrano Olives cost $6.49 per six ounces at the same Austin location, which totals to $12.98 a pound, more than the salad bar's $11.99 price point. Don't skimp on condiments that offer value due to their high density, rich flavors, and negligible weight. You can even ask for a small condiment container from the prepared foods department and avoid a charge for these additions altogether.

Finally, be selective when it comes to your greens. Yes, it's generally better to buy these separately, but if you're in a pinch, go for complex options like sauteed collard greens or tabouli salad. They're worth more than basic salad greens and pair beautifully with the buttery flavor of salmon — especially with a bit of salt and a drizzle of olive oil to bring out the aromatics. And voila — you've created a gourmet meal at a fantastic price point.