Give Watermelon A Savory Twist With One Spicy Ingredient

Sweet, juicy watermelon is the quintessential taste of the summer — but when you add a blast of heat, something truly magical happens. Just a dash of cayenne or chili powder before serving is all you need to bring on a sweet-spicy — aka swicy, the rebrand that has taken over the culinary world – profile that you didn't know your summer was missing. Be sure to cut the watermelon into cubes to maximize the surface area, so you'll get plenty of sweet heat in every bite.

This combination packs such a satisfying punch because of the way sweet and spicy flavors set each other off. Capsaicin, the component in peppers that gives them their heat, binds with the tastebuds and creates a burning sensation that's refreshing to some and unbearable to others. When paired with watermelon, though, the sugars in the sweet fruit coat the tongue, creating a flavor balance that's well-tolerated even by those who shy away from pepper.

Make the most of your melon by adding a sour finishing touch. A squeeze of lemon or lime is perfect for balancing the spiciness of cayenne or chili powder. For a one-step shortcut to full-fledged flavor, just sprinkle your watermelon with Tajín, the Mexican spice blend made up of ground chili peppers, sea salt, and dehydrated lime. Tajín is a go-to topper when it comes to all kinds of produce, and when you add it to watermelon, you get a quick, super-hydrating snack that you'll savor.

More ways to enjoy swicy watermelon

For a fully developed flavor, don't forget the salt when seasoning your slices, especially if you didn't know about the two-finger trick to pick the sweetest watermelon. Even watery, tasteless melons become a delicious summer treat with the right additions. Adding salt to watermelon is a long-standing Southern tradition, and for good reason. Just a sprinkle — not enough to make your fruit taste salty — reduces bitter tastes and activates your salivary glands, making your watermelon taste sweeter and juicier. Table salt works in a pinch, but opting for flaky salt on your watermelon will improve any mushiness and add a crunchy texture.

Watermelon isn't the only fruit that plays well with salt and cayenne or chili pepper. Just about any sweet fruit can be cubed, topped, and enjoyed the same way. Try making a swicy fruit salad with mangoes, strawberries, kiwis, pineapple, papaya, and more. To offset overly sour fruits, add a drizzle of honey. For an extra refreshing snack, blend your fruit and seasonings to make a surprising smoothie — or pour the mix into popsicle molds to make a fiery frozen treat.