Which State Grows The Most Peaches?

Uh-oh, Georgia, it looks like somebody has stolen your crown as Queen Peach. California is the most prolific peach-producing state in the country. Not only does the Golden State produce the most, but it also dominates with ownership of 80% of the total domestic output of the fruit, and accounts for 100% of all peaches used for processing.

According to research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, in 2021, the country produced $624 million worth of peaches, with California accounting for $378.3 million of that figure. Starting to feel a little gaslit yet?

Although peaches are synonymous with the Southern state, believe it or not, Georgia never even had the crown to begin with. What we refer to as The Peach State is more known for the quality of the fruit it proudly produces than for the quantity it puts out. However, the quality of California's fruitful crop is pretty peachy keen as well.

California is a peach paradise

California's weather is, well, ripe for growing peaches. The climate is akin to the mild Mediterranean, with hot days and cool nights, and the soil is fit for the fruit. California peach season lasts about half of the year. Clingstone peaches, where the flesh of the fruit is attached to the pit, are harvested from mid-July through September and are best for canning or freezing. Freestone peaches, where the pit is less attached to the flesh, are harvested from April through October and perfect for enjoying fresh.

Just like their oysters, peaches from the West Coast are known for being slightly sweeter than peaches from the East Coast. The dry heat means more sugar development in the fruit. This makes them ideal for just biting into, or for whipping up a dessert like creamy cookies with fresh peaches, or a peach cobbler with cardamom whipped cream.

Alas, if you don't reside in California or another peachy state, learning how to choose the tastiest peaches at the grocery store is simple — just make sure you store your peaches correctly once you get them home.

Other bountiful peach producers

The United States comes in third for peach distribution, just behind China and the European Union. China has grown the most peaches worldwide for over 20 years, but it also consumes the majority of them domestically. They grew 17 million tons in 2022-23 and cover 70% of the total peach production across the globe. Turkey has been climbing the ranks though, as has Chile. The European and the United States are steadily dropping in peach production due to both a decline in demand and weather damages.

Coming in behind California stateside are South Carolina, Georgia, and ... wait for it ... New Jersey, which is often high up on the list as well. Hmm, one of these things is not like the other. The steamy South may seem better suited for growing peaches, but Jersey's climate and soil are perfect for the crop. The growing season is short, yet their winters are growing increasingly mild, meaning the crops are less likely to experience damage or extinction during the colder months. On average, New Jersey produces 60 to 66 million pounds of peaches per year, which rings up to around $30 to $35 million wholesale. And while Florida is more known for its citrus, it's gaining traction in the peach production community. Now, if we could just get Georgia off our minds.