The Chef-Recommended Tool For Coring Apples Without A Corer

Preferences for eating apples can vary greatly. Some people prefer the crisp, sour green varieties, while others favor the simple sweetness of juicy red apples. However, it's safe to say that most people agree on not eating the apple's core. Riddled with seeds and featuring a rather tough texture, many find the center of an apple better suited for the trash or compost bin. (Additionally, it's probably best to avoid apple seeds since they're toxic when chewed and consumed, albeit in large amounts.)

Fortunately, for those who prefer to forgo the core, there are handy kitchen gadgets — aptly dubbed apple corers — that make removing the pips and stem even easier. Even better, some of them also slice the apple into wedges in the process. But if you don't have an apple corer on hand, fret not. Sebastian Matheja, the chef de cuisine at Conrad New York Midtown's in-house restaurant, Dabble, told People that a wine opener — more specifically, a winged corkscrew — will do the trick "just as well."

Use a winged corkscrew to core an apple

It turns out a winged corkscrew can be used for a variety of culinary purposes. This gadget features a metal spiral at the center, also known as a "worm," and two "wings," or levers, on the sides. With a little elbow grease, it can pull the center of an apple out much in the same way it would remove a cork from your favorite bottle of pinot noir.

It's simple: Just push the bottom of the spiral into the top of the apple, aiming for the center. Then, twist the metal worm until it extends all the way into the apple. Once the levers on the sides are fully raised, push them down to pull out the core of the fruit. You may have to use a bit of elbow grease to wiggle the core out via the winged corkscrew. But once you're done, you'll be left with an apple that's free of its unappetizing center — and all in a matter of seconds.

Other ways to remove an apple's core

Of course, the traditional, no-fuss method for de-coring an apple involves using a knife to chop the fruit into large chunks while avoiding the center. Granted, you'll also be able to de-core the fruit in mere seconds; however, you might lose some of the apple's delicious flesh. For a more precise cutting technique, you can use a paring knife to slice the fruit into wedges, such as into quarters, before carefully cutting the pips and stem away with the small blade. This method allows you more control over how much of the core you remove, ensuring none of your precious apple goes to waste.

The aforementioned de-coring methods are great for snacking or preparing dishes that call for apple slices, such as apple pie or cobblers. However, some recipes may require a whole apple with the base intact, like a delicious whole-baked cinnamon-cardamom apple recipe. In such cases, you can again use the paring knife to carefully hollow out the fruit without cutting through the bottom. Alternatively, opting for the easier and safer method of using a melon baller to scoop out the apple's innards is also viable. Regardless of which method you choose, these apple coring techniques certainly make removing the stem and pips effortless.