Magic Shell Your Yogurt Cups. Who's Going To Stop You?

Should you find yourself scrolling TikTok or Instagram for dessert ideas, it is likely you have stumbled upon an influencer preparing the latest viral trend — magic-shell yogurt cups. Dietitian and nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner and her idea for peanut butter cup Greek yogurt popularized this particular craze, and we're so glad she did.

The nutritionist stirs a bit of peanut butter into a single-serve container of yogurt and then tops it with melted chocolate. After a quick chill, the magic happens. The chocolate has hardened, and dessert is served.

Since then, the concept has taken on a life of its own with countless variations. Some make their yogurt taste like a candy bar by adding chopped nuts — others even add tahini for a unique twist. "Today Show" nutritionist Joy Bauer pared it down to just two simple ingredients — Greek yogurt and chocolate chips — making it the easiest version out there. 

How to make magic shell yogurt cups

The best part of this viral trend is that it can be prepared with minimal effort with ingredients you likely already have on hand. Start with a single-serving container of Greek yogurt or skyr – the thicker the yogurt, the better. This can be full-fat, partial-fat, or fat-free yogurt. In fact, it could even be replaced with a dairy-free yogurt if that suits your dietary needs.

Next, melt one to two tablespoons of chocolate chips in the microwave. Try 30-second intervals, stirring each time, until the melted chocolate is smooth. Then simply pour the chocolate on top of the yogurt right there in the container. Be sure to spread it out all the way to the edges to cover the entire surface of the yogurt and to make the chocolate layer thin like a shell.

Finally, place the container in the refrigerator or freezer for 15 minutes to allow the melted chocolate to harden. The freezer will make it thicker, more akin to ice cream if that's the consistency you're looking for. Want something more suited for a nighttime snack? Try a whiskey-infused chocolate shell.

Delicious yogurt-based dessert hacks

If you like this nutritious and delicious magic shell swap, you will love other yogurt-based dessert hacks. As always, bloggers and influencers are here to help. Who knew with only two ingredients you could make your Greek yogurt taste like cheesecake? There's even an entire Reddit thread dedicated to this dessert hack. All you need to do is add one tablespoon of instant pudding to a container of Greek yogurt and give it a good stir. That's it — the unexpected mixture tastes like cheesecake. Of course, the flavor possibilities are endless since you can mix and match yogurt and pudding mix choices to your heart's content. Throw some fresh fruit or crumbled cookies on top for a truly decadent delight.

Savvy snackers have even figured out how to turn yogurt into frozen 'cookies' for a protein-packed treat. Simply dollop your favorite yogurt onto a parchment-lined sheet and sprinkle with your favorite toppings. This could be fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, or even granola. Pop it in the freezer, and in a few hours, you will have little disks of deliciousness.